Chapter 9

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**Ellas POV**

For the rest of the ride we talked about the case a little bit but the rest was just random conversation. When we finally got there Dean pulled up to a cheap looking motel.

"We're staying here?" I said scrunching my nose.

"Yes." Dean rolled his eyes.

"Do I get my own room?" I asked as we got out of the car.

"No. Crowley could get you if we did that." I scowled and Sam laughed.

"I bet you wish you had stayed now don't you." Dean smirked.

"No." I said. "But I do call dibs on having a bed all to myself."

"Oh but that's not fair." Dean whined. "You're smaller than both if us. I don't wanna squeezed in the same bed as him."

"I agree." Sam said.

"Hey. I called dibs." I laughed. We went into our room and there were two beds a couch and a table. "One if you could sleep on the couch." they both kind of glared at me. "Fine. Who am I sharing with?"

"Not it!" Sam called out and smirked. Dean made a pouty face then dropped his bag on a bed.

"This ones ours." He said to me. Great. I sighed and threw my bag down. "Sam you can start on research. Me and Ella will go get food and stuff."

"Okay." Sam pulled his laptop out and sat at the table as I followed Dean out of the room. We went to the store and got a bunch of stuff. Dean didn't do much talking which is weird. When we got back to the motel Sam was in a suit.

"Hey we gotta go do some interviews." He said as he tightened his tie.

"Well what am I gonna do while tall do that?"

"Sit in the car." I groaned. They got ready and u followed them back to the car. I've been in that thing all day.

"Is there seriously nothing else I could do? What about research?"

"Nope. We're not leaving you alone." Sam said.

"You're leaving me alone in the car." I argued.

"Ella." Dean said in a warning tone. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone to text my friend. We went to about three houses and they were inside each of them for at least thirty minutes. Now we're at a fourth house. The last one and I got a phone call.


"Ella. Just give me it and I can leave you alone." Ugh. That Crowley guy.

"Dude. I don't even know what you want."

"The necklace! I want the necklace!" He yelled into the phone. How rude!

"Oh the locket?"

"Yes! The locket! What else would I be talking about?"

"Look I got a lot of necklaces I was just making sure and you're not getting it."

"Why not?" He groaned.

"Do you really need to ask me that question?" I looked out the window to see Sam and Dean making their way towards the car. "I gotta go."

"I will get it. Just know that." He said and hung up. I rolled my eyes and went back to texting.

"Who were you talking to?" Dean asked as he got into the car. Should I tell him?

"Nobody." Sam looked at me skeptical. I gave him a look to say tell you later. Dean would definitely over react. Sam probably would too but I think he can keep the secret longer.

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