CHAPTER 9 - Samantha

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It had been Nera's idea to fake my being unconscious and it had worked. Now to find my little device and get off this hunk of junk. Nera said she would stay behind in the cargo bay as a distraction. So I used the CS tubes to get to the upper decks. From the little info I could get from the com screen I could see an information upload was coming from the bridge. With the others being distracted by Nera I could slip in, grab my device and slip out with no one the wiser.

I peeked through the grating and didn't see anyone, they must be in the cargo bay by now. Quickly I exited the tube and looked about for my device, I was searching the main console when I was grabbed from behind.
"Gotcha." someone breathed next to my ear. I tried to scream for Nera but his hand clamped firm over my mouth. "I don't think so, that Anarrie is staying in the cargo bay and you're coming with me."
He dragged me off the bridge and down the hall into a room, shoving me forward onto a couch. Turning around I came face to face with Captain Airin, and he looked pissed. I pushed back away from him and took a quick survey of the room.
"Only one exit sweetheart, and you have to get past me first." Airin grinned, pulling out a pair of gravity cuffs.
My eyes went wide and I half rolled and half fell off the couch. Quickly standing I started to back away.
"Wait a minute, can't we talk about this?" He continued his approach.
"That's exactly what I intend to do but for the safety of everyone I'd prefer you be restrained."
"I won't cause any more problems, I swear."
"Call me a sceptic but you've been a pain in the ass since you got here, it's about time I get some answers without a fight."
I was against the wall now, shit, I needed to make a run for it. He took another step forward and I lunged to the side, but he had me by the arm pinning me to the wall. He pulled both arms behind my back and secured the cuffs around my wrists, locking them in place.
"Now we can have a proper little talk about all this." He marched me  back to the couch, shoved me down and sat in front of me.
"Now you want to talk?" I burst, "What happened to selling me to the highest bidder? I find it hard to believe you had a change of heart so suddenly."
Sighing deeply he rubbed his face, "Look, you stowed away on my ship and then started making ridiculous claims. I was more than a little surprised and angry, so I may have overreacted."
"TSK, you think."
He looked up sharply at my remark. "Let's say you're right about this weapon, and it does in fact destroy whole planets. How could you prove it?"
I only glared at him, now he wanted my help. Well he could forget it.
"Seriously! A few hours ago i could get you to shut up, do you even understand..." he abruptly stood and paced the room. "Do you even know how dangerous the idea of yours is, if the wrong people found out about this....ha... hell if the union found out about this." he stopped in front of me, "That is assuming you are telling the truth."
"I am not a liar...." I snapped.
"Then prove it! We can let something like this get out, it would ignite the flames of war AGAIN!" he was in my face now. "War isn't a game Samantha, people die, people you care about maybe even love. It destroys everything and in the end what you have left of yourself isn't worth..." he straightened again and turned from me. " just isn't worth it."
"You fought in the war." I said more to myself than as a question. "That's why you lost control and threatened me? Because what I found could bring this fragile truce down around us"
Airin looked at me and nodded. "You have no idea what it's like to lose everything, do you Samantha?"
His stare was too much, I dropped my eyes, "No, i guess i don't."
Before I realized what was happening my wrists were free, looking to Airin, he hasn't moved except to release the cuffs with his net screen. He continued to watch me.
"Am I free?" i asked tentatively
"Yes... although you deserve worse for that little stunt you pulled in the cargo bay." He rubbed his jaw cautiously. "Stars, I need a drink." He poured himself a glass of amber liquid, then he tossed the contents back in one shot, making a hissing sound as he did. Quickly poured another and came back over.
He leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath, "Let's try this again, Welcome to the Arabella, Im captain Airin Kedigohan. What brings you aboard today?"
Ok, he was trying to be civil, I could at the very least do the same. Smiling, I dipped my head to him, "Samantha Jaxon' the name and I need your help..."


Airin was staring blankly into nothingness, and had been silent for what seemed like an eternity.
"Genesis is really bad news, with that kind of power the Quasar Guard would have the influence they need to control the universe. The union will not take that lying down."
"Yeah, that's why I wanted to escape and give the info to the union and...
"NO! We can't let any of this info get into the Union's hands."
Airin leaned forward on his elbows, "Sam listen to me, this info has the potential to start another galactic war. How do you think the Union would react to this news? I'll tell you exactly what they would do: they would retaliate in kind, placing billions of innocents in harm's way in the meantime."
"But...what about Quasar? They still have a weapon that could destroy an entire plant at the press of a button. We can't just sit here and do nothing."
"Shit!" He ran his hands through his hair, making bits stand up at awkward angles. "We do nothing for the moment. I need to think and you could probably use a rest."
"You're not taking me back to the cargo bay?"
"No." He cut his eyes to me and breathed a laugh "You can rest here, these are my personal quarters, I have to go to the bridge anyway."
"Oh, well good. I wasn't  going to go without a fight." I started to wander the room, investigating my surroundings.
"Sure you would have, if earlier is any indication." I could hear the laughter in his voice. I turn back with hands on hips, "Are you making fun of me."
"Never." His smile widened and raised his hands in defence.
He really had a handsome smile, perfectly straight teeth and full lips.
"I got past you in the cargo bay didn't I!"
His smile faltered, "Yeah with the help of the Anarrie, without it you..."
"Speaking of which where is Nera?"
"Who's Nera?"
"The Anarrie, her name is Nera."
"Wait how do you..." his eyes went wide and darkened. "You bonded with the Anarrie? SHIT...shitshitshit!"
"Yeah, she bonded with me. So what?"
He had his eyes squeezed shut now and was pinching the bridge of his nose. "You just cost me a quarter million credits. Anarrie are valuable for their bonding ability and telepathic connections. Once bonded they are worthless."
"Oh, well I'm not going to apologize for it when you shouldn't be poaching aliens anyways."
He turned to leave, "How could one little girl cause me so much trouble in such a short time."
"Hey I'm not a little girl!"
"Whatever..." and the door slid closed.
Laying down on the couch it didn't take long before I was fast asleep.  At some point I guess they had allowed Nera to join me, cause i woke to her purring next to me on the floor.
"I see they let you out."
Opening one eye she shrugged, "They had no choice now that we are bound. It was that or I would have destroyed the cargo bay."
"Maybe they are smarter than they  look."
"They certainly seem to have their moments." She stretched and walked over to the view area. "I heard them say something about altering course to Nero'jaren, the underground market planet."
"Really? I've never been there."
"Careful what you wish for child, Nero'jaren is known for this trading of less than honorable items."
"Like what?" curiosity has always been one of my biggest faults.
"Tarrens females, among other things."
"What? How can they do that?" I jumped to my feet outraged.
"The same way they can catch and tread me." Nera answer with irritation. "Illeagely."

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