CHAPTER 10 - Airin

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"Will you stop squirming!" I yank Sam up straight and continue walking down the alley.
"You said I wasn't your prisoner!" She barks back loud enough to catch a few vendors' attention. Stopping, I turn to block her from their view.
"Will you please be quiet." I hiss, "Nero'jaren isn't a friendly place for a girl like you. We need the equipment you asked for and this is the best place to get it."
"But you cuffed me again..."
"Because any of these vendors would gladly buy or kidnap you for stars knows what. With my cuffs on you look like you belong to me. I'll unlock them when we are safe on the ship again."
Sam glaces around as if seeing the vendors for the first time.
"Good let's go." I tug her forward again, giving the vendors a warning look. The sooner we get off this trash heep the better.


A bell chimes as we push the ancient door open. A huge mountainous creator lumes behind the counter. His four eyes focus on us separately, recognition dawning moments later.
"AIRIN! You're alive, how have you been, you scoundrel?"
"Avril, good my friend." I answered by locking the door behind us.
"Oh it's one of those visits. Anything to do with this sweet piece you have cuffed to you?" Avril came out from behind the counter to size up Sam. "Hmm...Sweet indeed."
Sam, clearly uncomfortable, backed into me.
I squeezed her shoulder gently to reassure her.
"Nah, this is just a little early birthday present to myself and the men." I said stepping between them. "I heard she was good with her hands if you catch my drift." I arched a brow in his direction.
Avril abruptly straightened turning purple, I had flustered him, good. Avril was a business being when it came down to it, but he had a soft spot for human females. So with any luck he would be more focused on Sam then the materials we were after. I hoped by staking my claim on Sam he wouldn't try anything.
"We need a new hyperdrive, among other things." I looked back at Sam, who seemed sceptical I'd remembered everything.
"Right....ahem...of course." he sputtered "A hyperdrive you say, I think I have one of those in the back." he turned to leave.
"And a Sonar screen with all the attachments."
"Sonar screen, sure, ok." he was muttering to himself now. I leaned on the counter starting to feel at ease, a small tug on my sleeve reminded me there was no such thing. Not if I wanted to get out of here with Sam alive.
Looking up to make sure Avril was busy, I glanced back at her.
"What?" I whispered.
"I need a flux system connector and..."
"I found your drive and screen, anything... else? Why does she want a flux connector? Hey, I thought she was just your new plaything... Airin what's going on here?" he asked as he reached under the counter.
"She is, nothings going on." I backed us away from the counter, as a low static charge hummed to life in the room. He had a static burst weapon behind the counter. CRAP!
"You know slaves aren't allowed to have any knowledge of ship systems. If she isn't a slave she will need to be sent to the colonies for proper evaluation."
Cutting my eyes to her, I saw her eyes widen and look at me.
"She is a slave Avril, she's my new toy, you know how I like the ladies. She was just curious about what was on my list."
Shit , what do I do....
"Hmmm... I don't know, slaves have only one purpose in life, she should be all over you, and there isn't a brand on her. I'm going to call it in anyways..."
That's when it happened, the next thing I knew Samhad her arms draped over my head and  was kissing me, shocked I backed into a utility shelf and it wasn't entirely unpleasant being pinned there with her in my arms.  She was soft and warm and tasted like cinnamon and something sweet. My defences dropped, I gave in and kissed her back pulling her closer, feeling her shiver, making me want more.

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