CHAPTER 2 - Samantha

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"Let me get this straight, you found a stowaway in the cargo hold, trying to escape Quasar because she inadvertently stumbled across a top secret weapons plan, that can destroy an entire planet?"

Both Conner and Luka nodded.

There was a long pause before the captain burst out laughing, tears streaming down his face.

"You two knuckleheads actually believed her? Come on guys be realistic, if there was actually a weapon of that magnitude out there we would have heard rumours or something about it already."

I couldn't believe this guy, he just laughed this off like it was some practical joke, my shock gave way to anger quickly. "HEY YOU! This isn't a joke! We need to get this information to..."

Abruptly the laughter stopped as the captain glared her down.

"Alright princess, say I believe this load of bull for a second, what proof do you have?"

"I...I don't have it on me..." I answered quietly as my burst of courage rapidly depleting.

"What was that? I didn't quite hear you. Where is your proof?" The captain asked leaning forward in his chair.

"I...I don't have it on me ok!"

"Ah! Well that certainly makes it much more believable. Take her to the brig." He waves his hand dismissing me.

Connor has wandered over to a stat screen and seems to have lost interest in our conversation. Luka stands to the side of me watching as this plays out, now he nods to his captain and try's to pull me off the bridge, but I am not done yet.

"WAIT! I can get you proof. It's on the Quasar biogenetic database, I can get to it easy enough I just need to have access to their..."

"Enough!" The captain yelled coming to his feet, startling not only me but Luka and Conner as well.

"Your lies have gotten you on my ship, on my bridge and on my nerves. You will get partly what you wanted I suppose, a ride to the next star station," I guess that's better than nothing. "Where we will sell you off to the highest bidder."

"WHAT!!!" Conner and Luka even have the decency to shocked. "You can't do that! I'm not a slave, nor am I your property to do with as you please."

At my outburst the captain gets in my face, close enough I can see the golden flecks in his otherwise unremarkable green eyes. He then roughly grabs my chin forcing me to meet his gaze, "What? Do you object? And just what are you going to do about? You stowed away on my ship, hacked into my navigation system and wasted far to much of my time on some bogus story. I say I've earned the right to get you off my ship and get a little something for my troubles."

"But..." I can feel the tears starting to burn my eyes, I am determined to not give this ass hat the satisfaction of seeing me cry. All I can do at the moment is manage to glare back. Conner has by this point come over and try's to say something to the captain, he just brushes him off. Even Luka hesitates before grabbing my arm.

"You're a coward..." I spit out as I'm pulled from the bridge.

"Really, a coward, you little..." he takes a step towards me.

"Airin! Calm down, she's..." I hear Conner say just before the door slide shut behind us.


The brig ended up being back where I started, in the cargo bay. Walking over to an open alcove, which in hindsight would have been a much better hiding place, we stop in the middle of the three walled room. Numbly I just stare blankly at the floor, somewhere in the back of my mind I realize this isn't an actual brig cell. Suddenly I'm pulled tight up against Luka, chest to chest pinning my arms to my sides. I'm so surprised all I can do is stare up at him, his half lidded grey eyes a mixture of emotions, stare right back. He slowly starts to slide his hand up my back to the base of my neck, watching me intently.

What is happening? I can't seem to convince myself to pull away .

Is he going to kiss me? I mean he is really attractive, but his captain just declared he was going to sell me off. Oh, oh no, he doesn't think that just because I'm their prisoner he can... No! No way!

Just as my mind seems to clear, he reaches inside my jacket. Smirking he releases me shoving me few steps back, holding up my little sonar invention and multi tool.

"Saw this in your pocket earlier, you won't be needing it where your going."

Realization hits me like a titanium wall, he wasn't going to harass me he was just distracting me long enough to steal my device.

"Hey...Wait!..What?.." I start towards him as he types something on his netscreen, instantly the hum of a forcefeild came to life. I can't see it but I know it's there. Stepping up to where I believe the invisible energy barrier is, I reach out my hand and watch as the field pulses under it.

"Don't bother trying to escape or hotwire it, this field is made to hold the most valuable of cargo securely." Luka says arching a brow, daring me to try.

"Please don't do this..." I plead finally letting the tears I've been hold back well up. Sighing Luka turns to walk away looking down sympathetically, "I'm sorry." he whispers, so quietly I almost didn't hear it over the hum of forcefeild.

What was that...could it be? Guilt!

If he has feelings of guilt that means that Captain Airin's orders aren't absolute, meaning his crew doesn't always agree with him. They have thoughts of their own, I could use this to my advantage. But not right now, I need to pick the right moment. So I just watch him as he leaves the bay, hesitating only for a second before the door slides shut and the lights blink out. The ship must respond to their netscreens as they enter a room. For now all I could do was wait, in the dark, alone.


I think?

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