New Year Party

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Nathasa's Pov

The Avengers apologized to me because they thought i was possessed  and they didn't thought i  could be happy like a normal person, after i throw up. I didn't expected that things to fix like that, but ok.
"Natasha, do you feel better now?" Clint asked concerned.
"Aren't you worried that im possessed?"
"We apologized for that, woman! Get over it!" Tony said.
"You ran after me with a cross! I will always remember you this!"
" New Year is coming and you must write some New Year resolutions, so you would be a better person in the new year. Add forgiveness." he said.
"And you a smaller ego.So, at what hour is the party? "
"You are coming?" said Clint and Tony.
"Why not? Upset you will not have a babysitter for Lila and Cooper anymore, Clint?"
"No.... but... you don't like to party and... there will be a lot of people... and..."
"First time using words?"
"It's not your style. Just that."
"We go with the possessed story again!?"
"No, but you still didn't answer my questions? Who is the texter? Why are you keeping secrets from me? We were supposed to be best friends."
"Like i told you be, we still are." I don't have time to explain him that i have my own life and im not glued to him. I can do things without him and have another friends. He didn't told me about Laura when they were starting dating. He presented her only when things got serious.
We all have our secrets.
My comms ring.
"Hey, so what's your answer?"
"It's a yes, but I will be a little late. It's okay if i wear my mask with a black tuxedo?Secret identity and all. "
"No problem. See you then!" i hung and see the others looking at me like i was an alien.
"Who got you smiling like that?" Tony asked.
"It's okay if i come with a friend?"
"Friend?" Pepper ask.
"But all of us are here?" Clint says confused.
"You are not my only friends! And can he came with a mask? He thought it would be cool to be a masked party." I lie.
"That's something new. I like it! It would be like Halloween." I was surprised that Tony agreed. "I can't wait to meet your friend."
And that was. Stark's curiosity...

Peter's Pov

Its almost 24:00 and i start to get dressed in my tuxedo and mask. I can't belive i will go to Tony Stark's party!
I turn off the lights and Tv, then i put a blanket on Aunt May. It's hard for a 84  year old to stay awake that late.
I swing  towards the Tower and i can hear the music from miles away. WOW.

Tony's Pov

I'm the best at throwing parties. I see everyone laughing and having fun. I search for our redhead to see her friend. I'm quite curious to meet the friend who survived to be her friend. And the fact that the friend is a HE! I put everyone to  bet. Bird-man thinks the mysterious he is the texter. Steve says that he is just a friend and it doesn't matter who he is because it's just a friend. He is so jealous. I always knew he liked her. Bruce and Laura thought he was also just a friend,while me and Pepper thought he was more . Like come on! All the dots are connecting! She smiles a lot, she goes out of the Tower all the time,the necklace present and now she is inviting him to the party ! 
After hour of searching, i see Red at the bar staying ona chair.
"Where is your friend?"
"He will come later."
"It's almost 24:00,Nat."
"So?Your parties lasts until  5 in th morning."
I go back at the table were Steve, Clint and Laura were. I can't believe  i didn't see it sooner! Natasha made an imaginary boyfriend to make Steve jealous and it worked. This friend never existed. She wanted to make him jealous!
" Guysss! Guess what! I think Natasha's friend is an imaginary one."
"What? That's stupid! Nat is smarter than to invite someone who is not real at a party." Clint says.
"That was her plan. Think about it! She wants to make Steve jealous, so when she says that her friend won't come because something came up, Natasha expects Steve to do something.... like dance with her... to console her...or something !"
"You think so?" I see the sparks of hope in Steve's eyes.
"Go to her!"
I look at the place where she had been a minute ago. Empty. That woman scares me. It's like she is just vanish and appears where she wants. I still believe she is a vampire.

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