13 - Betrayal

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It's not that you didn't want to dance with him, nor that you couldn't dance well--because you could, just ask those ice skates hanging in your room--it was that Father was trying to live his life through you again. You were hoping that you would be able to skip this part of the tradition, given that Todoroki-Kun wasn't Hubai himself. However, you supposed you should be used to disappointment by now,

Why was Father always religious at the most inopportune times?

You sighed and rubbed your face. You refrained from shaking your head.

"Are you alright?"

You looked at your fiance in front of you and smiled forcefully.

"Yes, I am," you said, splitting your chopsticks. Today, lunch was Katsudon and you were going to make an attempt to focus all your attention on your food before you did anything else.

Why did Father have to come and ruin everything in your life? He's not even home and he's still controlling your life.

Why do you let him control your life?

Why did your left brain have to contribute?

"I don't believe you," he said.

You looked up at him, trying to maintain control over your facial expression at least.

"But I won't pry."

You had to give the guy credit. He was smart sometimes.

You didn't say anything else on the subject. But something else was pressing you.

"I...I don't wish to pry if it's a sensitive issue, and of course, I am merely curious, but... may I know the reason why you won't be walking me home? It is of no inconvenience to me, I'm simply curious."

He put down his chopsticks and swallowed his bite. "My father wants to speak with me concerning...things. The wedding, and...after."

You had to keep yourself relaxed. "I see."

"Which brings me to another reason why I wanted to speak with you today."

That piqued your interest. You set down your chopsticks, placing your full attention on him.

"He wants...he wants to try for a child as soon as possible."

So did yours.  You closed your eyes to hide the fact that you were rolling them.

"And he wants to discuss options for me. Well, actually, for you, but with me."

"And I don't suppose that Endeavor-San will be speaking with me about it before then?" You said coldly. "And what would happen to me if I did become pregnant? Does he expect me to drop out of U.A.?"

He stared at you for just a moment longer than you thought he should, but then looked around the table, leaning close. It sounded like he didn't want to be heard.

"I'm not supposed to tell you this," he said, "Not any of it. But you deserve to know...so..."

He looked around him again, his gaze lingering to his left for a second or two. You leaned in as well, not wanting your conversation to be heard anymore than it needed to be.

"He wants to discuss ways we can get married before the ceremony--even before the Gala, even if it's not public. A ceremony can be held after you become pregnant."

You felt your quirk flare.

"And I didn't hear it from him directly, but my sister thought he heard him on the phone talking with someone...I suspect it to be your father...about spiking your drink."

° Frostbite | ° | Book 1 | ° | 𝙏𝙤𝙙𝙤𝙧𝙤𝙠𝙞 𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙤  °Where stories live. Discover now