27 - Ring

250 19 35


Thursday rolled around and you were brought straight home to prepare for the winners of your giveaway. Your manager had called you and informed you of their pickups and arrivals as you did up your hair, retouched your makeup, and chose a nice, business casual outfit for your meet and greet. It would be filmed, and then posted the week after the Gala. You got all the permissions you needed, and were genuinely excited for his trip.

You teased your silk scarf, looking in the mirror at your appearance. Your simple diamond earrings complimented your white scarf and brown jacket. It also went well with your white and pink floral square-neck crop top with capped sleeves. Your dark blue skinny jeans with your tan stiletto heels accentuated the curve of your calves, and made your legs look nice, even you had to admit.

You grabbed your cream wool blazer and tied it off at the waist, pulling your scarf out from underneath it.

One last check at the mirror had you snagging your purse and walking down the stairs.

Your photographer was filming today, and you smiled at him.

"Are we heading out?" he asked.

"Yes, I believe we are," you said, checking the clock, peeking your head around the corner of the dining room.

"Mother, Father," you said. "I'm leaving now. Is there anything else you need?"

"No, Hanae," your mother said kindly. "Have fun! Be safe!"

"Thank you Mother, I will," you told her.

"You'll be late if you keep talking," Father grumbled.

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir," you said as you walked out.

Your photographer, Brandon, held up the camera and you smiled at him, nodding.

He clicked a button. "Rolling."

You opened your door, walking down the stairs while speaking. "We are leaving the house now, and heading out to REVOLVER Pro's fashion warehouse where my manager and the giveaway winners and plus ones are waiting. So without further adieu," you said, opening the door to your limousine. "Let's get going."

You sat in the car and the photographer smiled. "That was absolute fire! Super smooth! The footage looks great. Here, wanna see?"

"Yes, of course," you said, scooting over in the limo as he closed the door.

Lee started driving down the way as you watched the footage. You agreed with your photographer, it looked great.
"Yes! Perfect, maybe when we edit we could bring up the exposure and saturation? To make the colors pop a bit more?"

"Then we'd have to bring up the contrast a bit, but yeah, we could," he said.

Brandon was originally a trade student from America, but he decided that he wanted to live in Japan as a private photographer. Your father scouted him out some years ago after your following got bigger, and thought his 'entrepreneurial spirit' was endearing enough for him to hire him. Father was right, his eye for color and beauty was similar to yours, and he was quite personable. You were glad that father hired him for you.

"Alright, I'll make those notes. Do you want footage right now as you're heading over there?" he said.

You contemplated that. On one hand, what would you say while in the car?

On the other hand, it might not hurt.

"Yeah, I think it would be a good idea," you said. "Start filming when you're ready."

He held the camera up and gave you a thumbs up.

You took in a breath. "So, we're on our way to greet the winners of the giveaway, in my limousine, say hello, Lee, you're on camera."

° Frostbite | ° | Book 1 | ° | 𝙏𝙤𝙙𝙤𝙧𝙤𝙠𝙞 𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙤  °Where stories live. Discover now