100 8 6

Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding.


Good luck for today June!!! You got this!


We know you're going to kill it

Just remember, if they ask about your

weakness and strengths, don't say anything

about not knowing when to quit

Trust me they don't believe that

"Whoa." June's mum blinks rapidly. "Someone's popular today."

"It's just the girls wishing me luck."

"That's nice. It's good to have a strong support network."

Ding. Ding.



You'll do fine


Thanks girls x

June takes a steady breath out as her mum finds parking at the place where her interview will be conducted at. City vibes fluctuate in her mind, keeping her focused on the task at hand. If June's to get into the workforce, this is the type of environment she'll need to get used to. The shakes fighting the get in the way through the logic in her mind suddenly form into adrenaline as she steps through the glass doors and heads towards the receptionist.

After giving the lady in the front her details, she's asked to wait among the small clustered of teenagers by the chairs.

June pulls her new blazer down and flicks the imaginary dust off her matching slacks as she stands with the rest of the nervous teens. Presentation is the key to succeeding in life — as her mother likes to tell her. Considering she's the head of a marketing company, June gladly takes advice from her. It helps build her confidence as well as showcasing the seriousness and mature aspects of her personality.

She keeps her eyes focused, though often slipping into daydreaming mode the longer she and everyone waits

Her mind conjures up possible replies Christian will deliver.

A grin appears on her face picturing the shock from reading her note. Not that it's vulgarer by any means, just a clear sign of her resilience.

And if there's something she loves more than anything is proves she's anything but fragile.

A lady wearing the classic Yellow Crew uniform steps through doors, clipboard in hand. "Group one?"

June's back straightens as those in group one prepare to follow the lady. She follows the crowd, a mixture of excitement and nerves blending into her skin, heating her body.

Walking through the parted door is a large room with tables, chairs, and a presentation slide. Two other Yellow Crew staff members wait by their smaller table full of papers, pens, and three coffee mugs.

June has never tried coffee before. Will she need to in order to keep herself awake during work hours? She supposes that's a question she'll find out when she gets the job

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