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a/n: struggled to get through this chapter but I'm content. Hope you all enjoy it nonetheless.
7 more chapters left! xx


Christian walks beside her until they're in the hallway before stopping her with a sharp, "'A big misunderstanding?'"

June closes her eyes and inhales sharply as she shoulders her schoolbag. Zach comes up beside his brother, but unlike Christian refuses to look at her. She needs to get away from them. Right now. "Would you rather I turn around and tell her that we were fighting and cop the risk? Is it too much to consider that by agreeing with Mrs Nilsson, we've avoided penalties that would've cost us our education?"

She's keeping her voice as neutral as possible. She's on edge the longer she spends in their presence. Why is he having a go at her for saving their asses? He should be thanking her-they both should!

"What you just agreed to," Christian says, "can guarantee a further conversation that we have to deal with at home." She tries keeping her eyes focused on the angry twin and not the silent one shooting her glances. "It's not only bad to know that someone has spread a rumour, but now our mother is going to use this against us until we graduate. Did you ever stop to think about that?"
June clenches her bag's straps. "Like I should care about your personal problems."

"I have to tutor you. I'm already stacked enough as it is."


"Are you serious right now?"

"Yes!" She almost stomps her foot. "Not everything needs to revolve around you and your issues. My parents are on my ass too, making sure I don't step a foot out of line that may prevent me from sabotaging my future. My mum-"

She cuts herself off before anything else can leave her lips. Neither Nilsson's twin need to know the struggles of perfectionism her parents expect of her. Her actions may come across as reckless or careless, but June knows what awaits her at home if her parents were contacted. It makes her stomach twist as she imagines the disappointment on their faces, the guilt flooding her chest hearing them talk about her not doing good enough.

"I'm not a nice person," she says. Zach faces her fully, his brows scrunching together. "I get that. But I'm still human and I have feelings, too." She throws her hands up. "Okay! So there's a rumour about us. That shouldn't matter, because it just saved us. No more detention, no possible suspension, and no mark against our records. And I don't like the tutor thing either. Spending longer than thirty minutes with you is hell enough, let alone the idea of listening to you explain the difference between a simile and a figure of speech."

Christian exhales sharply. "They're the same thing."

"I don't care."

"Whatever," he says, scoffing. "I'm done listening."

"Fine!" she calls out as he turns his back on them and disappears into the classroom hallway. He can go and sulk for all she cares. It's clear his hate for her hasn't gone anywhere, and to think she wanted to write him a note and ask to work things out. "Go enjoy your freedom, but don't forget what I did-"

"June." It's Zach. She watches as he shakes his head, cutting her completely off. She's ready to let it rip on him, but then he says, "Thank you. Really. What you did was smart."

She doesn't expect that. It leaves her speechless, reaching for words that fall away before they're formed. She can only give a quick half-hearted grin, glad to know one of them appreciated her efforts.

It's the only thing he needs before giving her the softest expression she's ever seen him give her, one that catches the air in her throat.

She's taken back to their study sessions at the state library when he had her chase him outside. It'll be silly of her to admit she misses that about them since she's the one who pushed him away. It's not like she returns his feelings.

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