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a/n:  Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas! Wishing you all a beautiful long week before the new year begins.

June didn't expect lunch to be as stressful as her English class. But here she is, being grilled left and right by her three best friends about why there's a rumour going around that the Nilsson twins are in love with her.

"Don't we have more important discussions to have?" June starts. "Like grilling Maeve for information on why her date with Ryan failed?"

"Oh," Maeve says, crossing her legs beside June. "I thought I told you, June. His friends got in the way."

Phoebe turns her head from her position on Kim's lap. "Yeah, right as he bailed on you, the asshole. What, couldn't handle that he went out with one of the most precious human beings in this school?"

Maeve sighs. June gives her back a solid rub. "I sort of knew his friends wouldn't really accept me. I just didn't think he was going to leave me in the cinemas by myself. But, it's fine." She forces a grin. "I've had a cry over the weekend. I'm fine."

"That's so messed up," June says into her sandwich. "I'm sorry."

Maeve shrugs. "Can't be worse than Christian pinning you against the wall."

June understands Maeve is done talking about her situation, but she doesn't like how she moved it back on her.

"Or when Zachary was protecting you," Kim adds, grinning.

"You mean as a friend would?"

"Can't blame them, girl," Phoebe says, her girlfriend is currently running her fingers through her hair. No wonder Phoebe doesn't sound so stressed out. "Anyone who sees two people in close proximity breathing hot and heavy against each other is going to assume anything under the sun."

"But it's Christian," she hisses. "And it's not hot and heavy. It's detention worthy."

"That sucks."

"And what about Zachary?" Kim pipes in. "Sure, you two may just start a friendship but the rest of us don't know the extent. He protected you."

June gasps. "Kim. How can you say that?"

"Just forget about it June," Maeve says beside her, her red curls away from her face. She looks determined. "People can say whatever they want, but you know the truth. And as your friends, we believe you."

Phoebe and Kim chuckle and snort. June ignores them and grins happily at Maeve. "Well, at least I have one supporter."

Maeve nods. "Exactly. Besides, I was sitting next to Christian that entire English period, and he wasn't in the least bit interested in you."

Except for the part where they caught each other's eyes too many times to keep count. Of course, June will keep that information to herself. The reason for his obvious blank and glaring expression of his whenever he looked over was simply due to their argument. He was still simmering with hatred, and she was partnered with his friend. Though, Finn was another matter altogether. She didn't want to focus on him the entire time despite his weirdly obsessive need to get her attention. It's the only reason why she kept looking over. Nothing else but a distraction.

"But the question is—" she despises the way Phoebe is smirking at her "—do you want them to be interested in you?"

"No," June says.

Phoebe raises a brow. "Really?"


"Not even a little bit?"

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