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"Jesus, what are they doing?" June rushes over with Maeve on her heels, the wind rushing in her eyes and making her vision blur. She can tell despite the lack of proper vision that Zach is pressed up against the hood of the car.

They're collecting witnesses, and even some of the teachers were taking notice. God. She just hopes whatever they're fighting about has nothing to do with her. She's so over being in the middle with these two.

"You're acting like a fucking idiot," she can hear Christian say. "You know it's wrong and you still do it. You're going to get yourself into trouble."

She steps in between one furious-looking Nilsson and another tense-jawed one. "Let him go, Christian. You're making a scene and the teachers will pull you two up again."

"Stay out of it, June," he spits out but releases Zach none too gently.

She shoots Christian a look of surprise. "You and I both know that when it comes to the two of you, 'staying out of it' isn't in my vocabulary. Not when I have a high distinction to get or when that grade is linked to you. Be smart about this. Until I hand in that essay on Tuesday, you need to be civil. The both of you." She aims her direction to Zach, who's still clenching his jaw and looking way more pissed off than June initially thought.

She blinks rapidly as she scans the both of them. While their distinctive appearances are distinct, at this moment, they're both as identical as the other.

"Oh, don't worry about it, Mr Rodroy. It's all a misunderstanding," Maeve calls, laughing it off to the best of her abilities. "Brotherly fights."

Intuition is telling June that's not as simple as that. "What the hell are you two talking about anyways?"

Christian's sharp scowl lands heavily on his brother's silent mask of indifference. Clearly, it's something that Zach has been involved in. She turns to Zach. "Why did Christian call you an idiot? Tell me you didn't get yourself involved in something stupid."

"Drop it, June." Christian's voice carries a level of seriousness that June momentously holds her breath for. "Zach and I were just talking."

Talking my ass, she thinks but begrudgingly keeps herself from pushing it. The last thing she wants is to get him riled up and he refuses to help her anymore.

Maeve lets out another shriek as the wind blows hard. "I think I have dust in my eyes."

"Shit. Can you blink it out?" June asks, squinting at her friend to prevent anything from getting in hers. Maeve turns her back but June is there. "No, don't rub it, it'll get worse."

"Both of you. In the car," Christian says, opening the door for them. Zach moves off to sit in the front, still quiet.

June doesn't think about him twice as she gestures for Maeve to sit in the back with her. Christian waits until June is in herself before getting in himself. She has a need to roll her eyes at his display of chivalry if Maeve wasn't in the car cupping her eyes.

She's gentle when she blows into Maeve's eyes, trying her hardest to locate the dust particles. When she sees Maeve's tears falling down her red eyes, June nods. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Maeve sniffs and brings her blazar up to tap away the wetness down her cheeks. "They're a bit sore but at least I can see again."

June pulls Maeve into a side hug, rubbing her shoulder. She makes eye contact with Christian in the review mirror.

"Do you girls want the heater on?"

"Please," Maeve says. When the car starts warming up, she sighs comfortably against June. "Thanks, Christian."

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