Part 2

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The car ride took maybe 20 minutes. Voltaire didn't speak to me again after our initial conversation. We simply sat in silence. The car finally came to a stop, and Voltaire exited the car, walking to my door and opening it for me. We were stood outside of a manor. It wasn't as large as the ones I had often seen vampires inhabiting in the movies, but it was by no means small. It had large gardens and massive windows, but that was about all I could see under the moonlight. I followed Voltaire into the house, where lights turned on, revealing a spacious and modern interior. I was sort of expecting it to look like those haunted mansions from halloween rides, with Victorian decorations and cobwebs everywhere, but it looked like the house of a rich CEO.
"Don't scratch at it," Voltaire murmured, touching my wrist. I hadn't even noticed that I had been scratching at the tattoo. There were small red marks on my skin where my nails had clawed at the ink. "You must be tired. I will show you to your room." he guided me through the spacious living room, past the open concept kitchen and dining room, and up a flight of stairs. "This is my study," he said, gesturing to a door on my right. "I spend much of my time in there. Please do not enter it without express permission. Some of the spellbooks in there can be rather... hostile," he said.
"Spellbooks?" I asked. He nodded.
"Yes, spellbooks. I do need something to occupy my time. After all, I am immortal." he smiled slightly. We kept walking. We passed a bathroom and a closet, which he informed me was where the linens were stored, and then reached a door. "This will be your room. It was a guest room, so the furnishings are rather impersonal. Let me know if you should need additional items." he opened the door, and gestured for me to enter. There was a large window looking over the back garden, and I could see a large pool. There was a king sized bed, several bookshelves, a desk, and a vanity, next to a walk-in closet.
"I apologize, but I don't have a television. Unfortunately, most technology doesn't behave right in this house. Occupational hazard when dealing with spells, I'm afraid. There should be plenty of books to keep you entertained, and you are more than welcome to use the pool. I will place an order for your clothing tonight, and it should arrive by tomorrow evening. Until then, you'll have to stay in what you are wearing." I sat down on the bed, taking in the room around me. Voltaire moved to stand in front of me. "I know you're probably tired, but there is one more thing that I must do before you can sleep." he held out his hand. I held up my arm, wrist facing upward, showing him the tattoo. He placed his other hand over the inky black circle. "This may hurt," he apologized. White hot pain burned the area where his hand covered my wrist. The red in his eyes brightened, and seemed to emit some sort of glow. I cried out, trying to yank my hand away, but he retained his grip on me. Another moment, and then the pain faded away. I could feel tears running down my face as he let go of my wrist. Now, in the circle, there was a small raven with deep crimson eyes.
"This is my mark," he said, nodding to the raven. "As I said in the car, should you leave my care with the intent to never return, this mark will fade, and the catchers will find you again. It is also a symbol that you are under my protection. Harming you is a direct insult to me. It should offer you some measure of safety." he moved over to the door. "I shall let you rest now. My room is just down the hall, should you need anything." He moved to leave but paused. "I am sorry," he said. "That this happened to you. I hope you can find some comfort in my protection." He left the room, closing the door gently behind him. I waited until I could hear him enter his room, then tried the door. It wasn't locked. I opened it, quietly creeping down the hallway, down the stairs, and to the front door. I tried it, and found it unlocked as well. I opened it, stepping out into the cool night air. Now was my chance to run. I felt a tingling on my wrist and looked down. The raven tattoo had turned grey, when before it had been inky black. Maybe Voltaire was telling the truth. I could always at least get some sleep, and come up with a better plan in the morning. I made my way back inside, looking down at my wrist to see that the raven tattoo was inky black again.
"I told you, it will fade if you leave," Voltaire said from the top of the stairs. I jumped. Of course he had heard me leave my room. Vampires have exceptional hearing. "I promise, I do not intend to harm you," he said again. "You must be exhausted. Please, rest. If you truly wish to try your chances with the catchers, at least do it with a good night's rest." I sheepishly walked back up the stairs, slipping past him and walking back to my room. I entered it, and turned to close the door. Voltaire was standing in the doorway.
"I'm not offended, you know," he said. "It's only natural that you try and leave. I just ask that you heed my warnings. You are safe here." He turned to go.
"Goodnight," I said softly.
"Goodnight, Y/N."

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