Part 4

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I had been staying with Danny for two weeks now. After my encounter with Leon Moreau, I didn't venture into the woods again. Danny spent most of his days in his study, and I spent most of mine in the gardens, or the library, or taking care of a few chores. There really weren't many chores to do besides my own laundry (Danny never seemed to need it), my own dishes (Danny didn't really eat), and tidying up my own messes. Every once in a while, Danny would ask me to dust his study, which I did. Whenever I went in there, there were no signs of magic. All of the books were closed, no floating objects, nothing. I spent less and less time thinking about leaving. I was happy here, and Danny was kind. He always made sure to spend at least one meal with me, despite not eating, in order to keep me company. We would chat about various things. I mentioned my love of cats, and he mentioned his fascination with stars, and the conversations continued. Every once in a while, I'd make him laugh. I loved hearing him laugh. It was a truly joyful sound. We didn't have any more visitors, wanted or unwanted, so Danny and I spent our days with no one but each other for company. I was fairly content living here.

One day, while I was downstairs folding my laundry in the living room, I heard a loud BANG from upstairs, followed by a shout. I dropped the shirt I was holding and sprinted up the stairs. It sounded like it had come from Danny's study. I reached for the handle, but hesitated. He had mentioned that some of the spellbooks were hostile, whatever that meant. I didn't want to risk getting hurt. I knocked on the door, but heard no response.

"Danny?" I called. "Are you alright?" Again, no response. Hesitantly, I opened the door. The room was filled with glittering red mist. I didn't see Danny at first. I stepped inside of the room, the mist parting so that none was touching me, and looked around. Then I spotted him. He was laying on the floor next to his desk, the spellbook open on the floor near his hand, having evidently been dropped when he fell. I rushed over to him.

"Danny! Are you ok!?" I shouted, kneeling beside him. His face was paler than usual. He didn't respond. I stood up and managed to drag him into the hall, kicking the spellbook away from him as we went. I hastily shut the study door behind me. I didn't know what that red mist was, and I didn't want to find out. I knelt down next to Danny, taking in the sight before me. His skin was utterly devoid of colour. I could feel the chill radiating off of him, colder than usual, and when I reached out to touch his hand, his skin was so cold it nearly burned me. It was like gripping ice in my bare hands. I placed a hand on Danny's chest, feeling for a pulse. I didn't feel one. Did vampires even have pulses? I shook Danny slightly, trying to get him to wake up.

"Danny!" I cried. "Wake up!" His eyes fluttered open slightly, and I could see how dull and flat they were. Their usual bright crimson looked murky and dark.

"Blood..." he whispered, before his eyes fluttered shut again. Blood. I didn't know where he kept his blood supply. The only things in the fridge were food. No blood. I looked around frantically. I had no idea where to find blood. My wrist tingled. I looked down to see the raven beginning to fade. Danny was dying. I steeled myself for what I would have to do, and then placed my wrist by Danny's mouth.

"Drink," I whispered. His eyes opened again.

"No..." he whispered.

"Yes," I answered. "We don't have time. Just do it."

"Don't want to hurt you..." he groaned, feebly trying to push my hand away. I was persistent.

"For god's sake Danny just drink!" I hissed, pressing my wrist against his mouth more forcefully. I could feel his fangs extend, and then I felt them pierce my skin. I cried out softly, before firmly closing my mouth. Danny needed blood. My wrist tingled again, and I looked to see that the raven was darkening again. Slowly, colour returned to Danny's cheeks and his skin warmed slightly until it was merely a pleasant cool as opposed to the burning cold it had been only moments prior. I began to feel dizzy, but I didn't want him to stop. He needed this. He pulled away from me, a pained expression on his face. I moved closer to allow him to drink more, but he pushed me away.

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