Part 8

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TW: more captive content (last chapter with it, I promise) there is also graphic description of a death threat, and a less graphic description of an actual death. Read at your own risk.

When Julia returned, Irene and Leon were with her. Leon was dragging the struggling form of Danny, who was bound by what appeared to be chains.

"Silver," Leon said. "One of the few substances a vampire can't break. He's stuck here until we release him." Leon propped him up against the wall, smiling gleefully.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Danny asked me.

"I'm fine, Danny. Are you?" he smiled ruefully.

"I've been better," he said.

"Enough chit chat," Irene said. "Julie, it's time for your revenge." Julia held up a hand.

"Rene, this isn't just about me. Leon wants his revenge too. Let's give him a moment." she nodded to Leon, who grinned. He walked over to me, grabbed me by the back of the neck and dragged me over to Danny. He dropped me right in front of him.

"Y/N here has had a bit of a revelation since you last spoke," Leon said. "I told them the whole story about how you slaughtered your clan. How you slaughtered my Natalia. Do you want to confirm it for me?" Danny didn't speak. "Your silence it plenty of confirmation." I looked up at Danny, eyes wide.

"D-did you really..?" I asked softly. Danny looked at me apologetically.

"It's not what you think," he said. "I swear."

"Not what they think?" Leon laughed. "Well then, do enlighten us, Voltaire." His voice was dripping with malice when he uttered the last word.

"I'll wager that Leon didn't tell you everything," Danny said. "For example, I highly doubt he told you the reason the Voltaire clan became so powerful." he shot a pointed look at Leon, who simply scoffed. "Well, it wasn't through reputable means," he said. "The Voltaires became so powerful through fear."

"F-fear?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yes, fear. The Voltaire clan engaged in a particularly deadly pastime. Hunting."


"Yes. When I was turned, we were of far lower standing. We were powerful, of course. But nowhere near as powerful as we were when I ended the clan. We enjoyed hunting the usual game. Deer, birds, the occasional wolf, but soon they grew bored," he said angrily. "So they moved on to much more difficult game. Humans, and eventually lower class vampires. I was forced to participate. The head of the clan, my so-called 'Father', Damien Voltaire, told me that if I didn't participate, I would become one of the vampires they hunted. So I played along. And then one night, I had enough of it, so I slaughtered them. Each and every one of them, until I was the only one left. There. That's the whole story," Danny spat at Leon.

"You murdered my perfect and pure Natalia in cold blood," Leon responded, striking Danny's face. I could see the mark his rings left on Danny's cheek.

"If Natalia was so perfect and pure, why would she have spent time with a lower class vampire, who was bringing dishonour on his clan from the day he was turned!?" Danny cried. "She was using you, Leon. and don't act as though you're entirely innocent in this. You participated in the hunts. Enjoyed them quite a bit, if I remember correctly. Yes, I slaughtered Natalia, and my entire clan. I did it to protect everyone. The only mistake I made was not destroying you as well!" Danny shouted.

"You destroyed me plenty!" Leon roared. "You informed my father of my so-called crimes, and I was disowned from my own clan!"

"Yes, and look where that's gotten you!" Danny yelled. "About to kill an innocent human, and allied with the Morvant clan, simply to get revenge on me! Natalia wanted you to join our clan simply to use your talents to aid her in the hunts. She didn't love you at all, so why avenge her death?" Leon spat at Danny, the saliva landing on his cheek. Danny laughed dryly.

"I don't care if she loved me or not. I loved her!" Leon shrieked.

"Enough!" Julia cried. "I've heard plenty. You've had your time, Leon. now it's my turn." Danny turned to Julia.

"Ah, yes. Julia Morvant. You've done all of this because I bought a human you wanted?" Danny asked.

"Yes, seems a bit petty, doesn't it?" she laughed. "I'll admit, I wasn't originally going to do this. I was simply going to quietly harbour my resentment over you embarrassing me in public, but then my dearest sister Irene came to me and said that Leon Moreau had some very interesting things to say about you. You murdered your clan, disgraced Leon, and he wanted revenge. I had the perfect opportunity. Leon's talents will be useful to this clan, and Rene promised to take full responsibility for him. I had nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Taking out the famed Voltaire. Everything I need to instill fear. To gain power. With this, I'll be able to force my father to step down as head of the Morvant clan, letting me take over. It's perfect," she said. "Now, enough chit-chat. Let's get down to it." she yanked me up by my hair, attatching her teeth to my neck. I cried out, whimpering. The bite didn't last long. Within moments, Danny was on his feet. He grabbed Julia by the neck and slammed her into the wall, the wood beneath the wallpaper cracking.

"Julie!" Irene cried. She raced over, but stopped, struggling against some unseen force. Danny raised a hand and she was thrown backwards, pinned against the wall by some form of magic. Leon moved to dart out of the room, but the door was slammed shut.

"You are going to regret ever laying a hand on my property," Danny hissed. "I am going to tear you limb from limb, and burn you, starting with your heart. Then, I'll burn your sister Irene, and finally Leon Moreau. I will make you scream for my forgiveness, only to deny it and end you like the pathetic whelp that you are. How dare you lay so much as a finger on Y/N? How dare you touch what is mine!!?'' His voice was dangerous. I was terrified. He threw Julia to the floor. "Y/N, you may want to avert your eyes," he said softly.

"What?" I asked.

"Close your eyes!" He shouted. I hurriedly shut them. It seemed to last a long time. I didn't want to think about the sounds I was hearing. It wasn't long before I could smell smoke, and hear the crackling of flames. I just kept my eyes shut until familiar arms circled around me.

"You can open them now, Darling," Danny whispered. I opened them. Danny was cradling me in his arms. He unlocked the chain around my ankle and lifted me. He pressed my face into his chest so I wouldn't see, but I did. Julia, Irene, and Leon were sprawled on the floor in several pieces, their corpses burning.

"S-shouldn't you put out the fire?" I asked. Danny looked down at me.

"They need to be turned to ash, or they might be brought back. Don't worry though, the head of clan will have made sure this house is fire-proof. Clans make enemies, and enemies sometimes need to be disposed of. Burning is the surest way to kill them and ensure that they won't come back. I'll send word to him about his daughters' betrayal and he should have no difficulty cleaning up my mess. I am far more concerned about you. Are you alright?" He asked. Then he shook his head. "No, you're not, regardless of what you say. I'm taking you home, and I'll make sure you're alright. I am so sorry you were dragged into this. I only hope you can forgive me." I just pressed my face into his chest, inhaling his familiar scent. I felt safe in his arms.

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