Part 6

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TW: brief slapping, Y/N is being held captive. read at your own risk.

My eyes opened. The room was cold. The first thing I saw were those distinct yellow eyes, staring at me. I recoiled, but found that I was nearly incapable of movement.

"Sorry," he said. "Are the ropes too tight?" his voice was condescending.

"Where am I?" I asked. He laughed.

"Now why would I tell you?" he asked me. He reached out and ran a finger down my cheek. "You are quite pretty, you know that?" he said. "I can see why he likes you." I turned my head and snapped at his finger, attempting to bite him. He pulled his hand away with a chuckle. "Feisty, aren't you?" he asked. "I like that."

"Why am I here, Leon?" I asked, trying not to let my fear show.

"That's Master Moreau, to you," he said.

"Last time I checked, you were disowned by your clan. You are simply Leon now, are you not?" I asked. He struck me, hard. I cried out softly, but swallowed it down, not wanting to give him the satisfaction.

"I said," he whispered dangerously. "That it's Master Moreau, to you." I met his yellow gaze, stomach churning at the thought of holding eye contact with such a despicable person.

"Touched a nerve, did I?" I asked. He struck me again. This time, I didn't cry out at all. I met his gaze again with a smile.

"Alright, I'll tell you why you're here," he said, stepping back. "You're here because I'm going to use you to become powerful again."

"Why me?" I asked. "Why not any human? Why do you need one so difficult to obtain?" he smiled.

"Oh my dear, it isn't because you're a human. It's because you belong to Voltaire," he said, faking a british accent on the word "Voltaire".

"I don't belong to anyone," I replied.

"You have his mark on your wrist. He paid a good deal of money to obtain you. Like it or not, you are his property."

"Well if I'm his property, don't you remember what he said the last time you saw him?" I said. "He said if you messed with his property again, he'll tear your head from your shoulders and force you to watch as he burns you to ash," I spat, voice dripping with ire. Leon threw his head back with laughter.

"Is that what you think?" he asked, leaning over and placing a hand on my shoulder. "Sweetheart, he's never going to find you. I am going to use you as my way in with the Morvant family. They're looking to raise their social status, and I hear that the Morvant girls are rather peeved with Danny, hm?" he smiled, tapping my nose with his finger. "I made a deal with Irene Morvant. I deliver you to her sister Julia, and she adopts me into the Morvant clan. Thus, my in with the higher status vampires. I will be high society once again, and using the Morvant's connections, I will destroy my father once and for all, and Danny along with him." he stepped back, admiring me.

"Why do you hate Danny so much?" I asked. Leon's eyebrows raised.

"Oh, he didn't tell you?" he chuckled.

"Tell me what?"

"Oh this is wonderful," he said, running a hand through his greasy hair. "Truly spectacular." he leaned in close, his face inches from mine. "Danny isn't the saint you seem to think he is," Leon said, smirking. "Not at all. Have you ever wondered why Danny refuses to drink from humans?" Leon asked. "It's not out of some selfless wish to avoid doing harm. Oh no no. Danny knows how to feed without killing his victims. No, it's because he's afraid of what he might do. He's afraid of his past. How much did Danny tell you about vampire clans?"

"Just that they're sort of like families," I answered. "He showed me the Moreau family tree. Why?" I was growing suspicious. Leon steped away, grabbing a chair and setting it down backwards in front of me. He straddled it, folding his hands on the back of the chair.

"Well, allow me to enlighten you," he said, grinning. "Yes, vampire clans are like families. There is a head of household, the oldest vampire. They usually have taken over from the previous head of house, or they've left their clan to begin their own. Vampire clans often live together, in large houses. Have you noticed that Danny lives alone?" I nodded slowly. "Odd, for a powerful vampire of the esteemed Voltaire clan."

"Voltaire clan?" I asked.

"Yes. what, did you really think his first name was Voltaire?" Leon laughed. "No no, he's Danny Voltaire. Daniel, I assume, but no one has ever called him that. He's adopted the clan name as his public name, because he's the only one left."

"The only one left?" I asked.

"Yes, the only one left." Leon smiled. "Because he slaughtered his entire clan."

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