Mr Duckleberg 🦆

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EDITED AFTER REALIZATION: Omg, I totally forgot. I'll explain at the bottom

I wanted to show ya'll this;

I wanted to show ya'll this;

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Okk, bye


Hailey waited patiently, in a room, alone. Then she heard the bell ring. She dashed to the door so quickly, she could've sworn she saw blue bolts of lightning trail from behind her. Opening the door, a figure stepped closer. "Hey, Princess" Jake said with his signature grin. Hailey rolled her eyes playfully, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "So, you gonna let me in.. or would you rather have me sleeping on your doorstep?" he joked.

Hailey pulled the big door to let the boy in. "Jake! I had no idea you were coming" Shannon squealed like a five-year-old girl. "Oh, yeah, Mum, I invited him over. Thought Dad told you". The woman only shrugged and walked closer to the two. "Very good to see you again Jake, I've heard plenty from Hailey" Shannon eyed her daughter slyly.

 "MUM!" Hailey cried while pulling Jake away into the living room. "I'm sorry... she just likes having my friends over" The turquoise-haired girl chuckled awkwardly, plopping down next to the boy. "Don't worry about it, let's just start playing" Jake motioned to the gaming set in front of them. After two hours of Minecraft, Hailey excused herself to the bathroom, leaving Jake alone. Well, not really, Shannon came in moments later.

"Ah-Hi, Mrs Austin" Jake waved to the kind woman. He liked having her around. She was a very chill mom, to say. Not like how Zander would describe her. "Hello, Jake,"

 As Hailey finished her time in the washroom she slightly glanced back at herself in the mirror. 'I can't believe I'm already dating the simp' she chuckled slightly. Oh, how Zander would freak when he'd find out.

She opened the door softly. Until she saw a certain violet-head laughing and mumbling with Jake. "Mum, what are you doing here?" Hailey asked, glaring into her soul. "Oh, darling, you know how much I like your friends. If he's your boyfriend, might as well let him know every single thing about you" Shannon told her like it was obvious.

Both Jake and Hailey turned crimson. "Now, where was I, Jake? Right, this was Hailey when she was seven years old, when you had Mr Duckleberg, remember, darling?" Shannon reminded, pointing to a picture of Hailey, clutching a plush duck. "Oh yes, and this was her first day eating broccoli without crying" She pointed to another picture where a hand lent five-year-old Hailey a tiny piece of broccoli on a spoon. 

 Hailey was beyond embarrassed. 'So much for a game night'. Jake instead found her adorable in the family album. She looked so happy, so content. "What about this one?" Asked Jake, his finger in the direction of a picture of Hailey and Zander talking to.. nothing. "Ah yes, this was the stage when Hailey introduced Zander to her imaginary friend, uh... Priscilla! Yes." Shannon nodded with a warm smile on her face.

"Mum," Hailey started. "Did you have to tell Jake everything like he was being a part of the family?" A blush blooming on the singer's cheeks. "You're right, darling, I'm sorry I invaded your space. We'll wait another ten years, then maybe you two are betrothed to each other" Shannon patted Hailey's back and left the album with the two teenagers, walking away.

"So... Princess". Hailey looked back to Jake with a wrought expression. "Which ring design are you interested in?" he teased. Hailey threw a pillow as her face instantly felt hot.

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