episode 21

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Hyunjin POV

As the cord smacked my little body, tears streamed from my eyes, blood dripped down my mouth, and my cries were written huge in the air for anybody who wanted to help put a stop to it, but the woman simply sat there, smirking.

The abuse went on for a long time; they didn't care what happened to me; all that mattered was that I was alive, which I didn't understand at the time. All I knew was that this was going to be my "home" for what I assumed would've been the remaining of my life...

I eventually won their trust, and I began to discover more about the situation: the man and woman were both members of an underworld mafia, which my father used to be a part of, and he was supposedly known as the "Beasts," which is essentially one of the highest achievable ranks in the organization. I also learned that he left the mafia, so he could start a new life with his soon-to-be wife(my mum) and unborn child(me).

He presumably didn't want us to be put in danger by these cold-blooded criminals.

This mafia did everything, they were behind every crime that was shown in the news: drug trafficking, murder, extortion, infiltration of legitimate businesses, stock manipulation schemes, and more.

As I grew older, I realized they kept me alive so they could use me as a weapon; they trained me, taught me various combat techniques, and enrolled me in the mafia-run middle school. Even though I hadn't given up fighting, they had their sights on me. My childhood had been ruined, all I have been planning was a way for me to leave this hellhole, so I concentrated on my studies so I would have somewhat of a future ahead of me.

I spent most of my time doing part-time jobs to avoid facing the unpleasant truth of my situation. I made sure to have somewhere to work every day after classes since I had no interest in making friends, the guys would always irritate me, ending in fights, and the girls were all pick-me's.

I wasn't assigned to any missions over my weekend since I was still under the age of 18, and the mafia has its own set of rules and regulations to obey, but that didn't stop them from bringing me along on a D-classed operation. Because of the stated rank, I initially felt it was a heist; they brought me along with them so I could get experience and be prepared for when I was 18 years old. According to them, the entire expedition went flawlessly, but what I didn't realize was that this was the murder of someone that was indebted to the mafia. They took me to all the C-classed and D-classed missions after that, forcing me to witness all of their inhumane deeds.

Every week was the same, but I got used to it and knew that if everything went as planned, I'd be able to move on. All I needed was enough evidence of the mafia's crimes and hidden bases for the authorities to do their jobs, and I'd be free of this nightmare. Two weeks later, the mafia was arrested, and the evidence I had carefully gathered was enough to reinvestigate all the unsolved close cases that assisted the authorities in bringing down the entire organization and ensuring that they would be imprisoned for a long period.

Whereas for me, with the money I had saved with the many part-time jobs, I was able to continue my studies for two more years, usually I spent most of my time in the library but then I met Rina.
*I kept the detail about me and Rina to the minimum, I shouldn't hide anything from y/n but she doesn't need to know much, first because it was never honest and secondly, I don't want y/n and Rina's friendship to be affected by what happened in the past*.

As I finished talking about my past, I looked at y/n, and I saw how her eyes were red as tears were rolling down her cheeks.

"Y/n, you okay?"

Y/n's POV

As Hyujin was talking about his hardships, I noticed his eyes were starting to tear up, but I think he didn't realize it himself. It broke my heart to just imagine what he went through and I was grateful that he trusted me enough to tell me about it. It was my first time seeing him vulnerable and I respected him for showing me this side of him. As I listened my eyes started tearing up and he looked at me and asked:

"Y/n, you okay?"

"Yeah, I am..." I replied as I quickly wiped my tears away.

"You are such a cry baby" he proceeded to say as he flicked my forehead.

'Aaaand he is back' I thought to myself.

I reached for his cheek to gently wipe away the stream of that one tear, and he just stared at me as if he didn't expect it, and our eyes locked for a few seconds for what felt like an eternity. As he broke eye contact, I noticed how handsome he was as the sun brightened his face, and his eyes were no longer as intimidating as I had first thought. I was too immersed in the moment to notice that I had been staring at him for far too long.

"I can feel your eyes, sweetheart"

I was pulled back to reality by what he said, blushing realizing that I have been caught, it was so embarrassing.

He suddenly turned his head, moved closer with those eyes that looked so deeply in mine, and whispered "if you are done staring, let's go back".


Hi guys , I'm finally back after 7 months... 

i really lost motivation to write this story, however, i found someone who can take over and continue this story (she wrote this chapter, u guys can refer to her as author S ) so i hope you guys are nice to her and bye this is the last note from me hehehe.-author T

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2022 ⏰

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