episode 12

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"My sweetheart, I told you I wont let you go easily, I'm finally back and this time I'll make sure to make you mine"
The man infront of me said with low whisper but I heard him clearly because he was so close to my ear that I could feel his hot breath hitting my skin.

My heart sank when I realised who's voice it belonged to.

He finally pulled his hand away from my mouth and I asked already knowing the answer:
"Jisung....?" My voice almost faded away at the end.

"Haha so you still remember me" his laugh was short and husky.

"Yes sweetheart~ It's me" His voice was so hoarse and I felt his lips brush against my neck while he said that.

"Noo I dont want you in my life" I said with fear stuck in my throat.

"I don't care about what you want, all that matters is that you are mine and mine only " he said while locking eyes with me, his nose was now touching mine his lips an inch away from mine and he rested his forehead on top of mine.

"Please let go of me" I begged him with my teary eyes, but he just laughed at me.

"Sweetheart, I thought you already knew...i thought you already understood that tears and 'please' wont stop me, don't you remember?" My eyes opened wide as all the memories that i tried so hard to forget about came back to me.


"Woah you already give up-" i cut him off.

"Let me go or else.."

"Or else what? Haha sweethea-" I cut him off again.

"Or else I'll scream" I said with pure confidence. He smirked after hearing me , he looked so amused as if im just a show for him.

He grinned and said "Go on ,try to scream, but keep in mind that i wont allow you, but try anyways , come on ,try to scream!" I death glared him.

"You fucking bastard..... SOMEONE HELP M-" Before i could properly scream i felt him lips crash onto mines.

I got shocked and tried to move and push him in every way i could but he wouldn't budge. I felt disgusted feeling his lips on mine again after many years. His started kissing me more and more roughly and hungrily. I gave up trying to push him away as i felt leaving no gaps between us. He started biting my lower lip softly, I knew what he wanted but I wont give him the pleasure.

Suddenly he bit my lower lip so hard that i screamed in pain and it allowed him to slip his tongue inside my mouth. I slowly felt the metallic taste of my blood ,meanwhile he started exploring my mouth with his tongue.

Finally he was out of breath and broke the kiss but he gave me a small peck before completly removing his lips away from my bloody lips. I watched him lick his blood stained lips before giving me that smug grin of his.

Then I realised that he wasn't holding me anymore so I took the chance and kicked his balls . He fell down grabbing onto his pp area.

I started running as fast as i could but thanks to the dim light of one of the working street lamp I saw him chasing after me, I guess I didn't kick him hard enough but oh god he looked really mad.

I started running as fast as i could but thanks to the dim light of one of the working street lamp I saw him chasing after me, I guess I didn't kick him hard enough but oh god he looked really mad

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