ᴇᴘɪꜱᴏᴅᴇ 2

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I woke up really later than usual. It was 10am, it might not be late for some people its really late for me because I usually wake up at around 8am. I guess i was really tired yesterday, becouse of those idiots last night.

I remembered about my neighbour and his stupid loud music. I really want to scold him for that but I decided to wait some hours because I think my he's still sleeping because i guess he went to sleep really late last night, and I don't wanna argue with a half asleep guy in the morning.

It was 3pm now and I decided to have a talk with him. I got out of my house and walked towards his gate. And that's when I saw him again, i finally got the chance to see him properly this time. He looked like a few years older than me.

He was again sitting on a chair on his front garden.

He wasn't looking at me, it was like he was daydreaming while looking at the clear blue sky ,he looked so innocent, he looked like a good guy

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He wasn't looking at me, it was like he was daydreaming while looking at the clear blue sky ,he looked so innocent, he looked like a good guy.

I cleared my throat and called out

"Excuse me?" I said with a soft voice.

He finally noticed my presence and looked straight into my eyes. Suddenly all my confidence faded, there was something about his eyes that made me tremble,they were attractive but at the same time intimidating.

 Suddenly all my confidence faded, there was something about his eyes that made me tremble,they were attractive but at the same time intimidating

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I started trembling a bit. Whats happening? Am I scared? Why is this guy's stare frightening me?

He kept on staring at me, as if he was looking through my soul, it was really frightening for some reason. Something about him felt wrong and dark.

I finally got myself back together abit and spoke

"h-hi you are the new n-neighbour right? I live next door"
Fuck did I just stutter??

The guy looked at me with a dark expression, seconds were passing by ,he didn't say anything, his eyes were like scanning me up and down.

'So? What the fuck do you want?' His sudden voice and aggressiveness startled me.

So? What does he mean by so?? And why is he being so rude?
This guy is really getting on my nerves.

"So? Is that how you're gonna respond ? I've been polite to you even after u interrupted my sleep last night with those shitty loud songs and now you're being such a rude asshole to me!" I said as each word was louder than the previous one. I literally exploded

He still had a straight face, but i noticed a slight tint on annoyance on his face.
He slowly got up from his chair and started walking towards me.

My body started trebling again, I admit it I'm kind of feeling scared, the way he started walking towards me and his intense stare was too much to handle.

He finally stopped in front of me, he bent down a bit so he matched my height
I felt really nervous,  so I looked down at my feet.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head. Then I realised that HE WAS FUCKING PULLING MY HAIR at from the back of my head really hard. He was still grabbing onto my hair and pushed my head towards him. His face was now inches away from mine and he tilted his head abit on the side. He was so close that I could smell his strong cologne.

"Listen you lil shit, if the music bothered you that much then you could have told me at that time instead of coming now to ruin my day, although I think I wouldn't have lower the music anyways if u asked" he finished the sentence with a sinister ...

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"Listen you lil shit, if the music bothered you that much then you could have told me at that time instead of coming now to ruin my day, although I think I wouldn't have lower the music anyways if u asked" he finished the sentence with a sinister giggle.

My eyes started tearing and i was struggling to push his hand away from my hair. He finally let go of my hair and I quickly ran inside my house without even looking back once.

《𝑷𝒔𝒚𝒄𝒉𝒐 𝒏𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒓》- 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 𝙛𝙛Where stories live. Discover now