episode 13

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I got lost in Hyunjin's eyes but then i suddenly felt his cold finger brush against my lip.

"Owwwh" it was really painful also because the cut was still fresh.

I looked up in his beautiful eyes again and he looked shocked, and before i knew it he lightly pushed me back which widened the gab between us.

"I....Argh i swear all you do is just cause trouble. Why were you out so late in the first place??!" At first he sounded nervous but he quickly switched his tone to annoyance.

"I just wanted some fresh air in the park but before i knew it the sky already turned dark"  Hyunjin sighed after hearing my response and turned around so his back was facing me.

"Whatever go back home, I'm gonna continue my night walk" he said nonchalantly and started walking away.

What is he gonna abandon me here? I'm too scared to go on my own. So before he could take one more step I quickly paced towards him and held the hem of his shirt.

"Huuh what now?" He turned aroud and gave me the 'wtf do you want' face.

"Huummm .... it's just.....I...can you-"

"Walk you home?"


He sighed again and said "let's go".

He started walking but after a little bit he stopped and looked back at me confused.

"Why are you standing there? Don't you want to go home?" His really looked pissed at me now.

"Yeah i do but the thing is..."

"What!?" He asked impatiently.

"Hmm you see... when i was running away from that guy.... i accidentally sprained my ankle and its hurting a lot and I can't walk properly"

Well now Hyunjin really looked done with me.

"You know what bye" after that he walked away.

"Hey waittt!!!" I screamed at him but he turned the corner and I couldn't see him anymore.

Great. Just great. Now how do I go back home? It will take me forever. So I started hopping on one leg. However I somehow managed to fall on my butt and it hurrrttts. Why it always happens to me, I need to start doing karate or taekwondo so I can protect myself so i dont get into these shitty situations ever again. I tried to get up again but now bcuz of the fall even my ass started hurting. Omg this is so embarrassing what to doooo.

"Ahhhhhh" Suddenly figure came infront of me and quickly picked me up on his back.

"Hyunjin??? What are you doing??I thought you left" i instantly recognized him.

"Shush I'm just doing this because I don't want people to blame me if something happens to you" ouch he really doesn't feel anything for me but im here blushing like a tomato ,thank god he can't see me.

"Shush I'm just doing this because I don't want people to blame me if something happens to you" ouch he really doesn't feel anything for me but im here blushing like a tomato ,thank god he can't see me

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(Puffft lmao I'm not good at this type of edits but you can kind of imagine the scene lmao).

Woah it feels so good to hold him like this, i really wish my house was bit further because I dont wanna let go of him too soon.

"We're here ,get off now" ufff we're already infront of my house.

"Ahh finally, my back started aching because of how heavy you are"
Huh me heavy??? I'm a skinny legend! Hm maybe not but I bet he's just joking right?

"Whatever bye....and thank you" i almost whispered the last part.

He didn't say anything so I guessed he didn't hear. I was about to hop towards my door on one foot again but I heard him softly saying "your welcome".

                    Hyunjin P.O.V 

"Thank you" ahhhhh my mind keeps replying her soft voice saying this. No one ever thanked me , maybe it happened but rarely ,but coming from her makes me feel weird.

Y/n why are you so urgh... i dont know how to explain it but its hard to control my actions when I'm with you.

I wonder who that guy was ,it looked like they already know each other. Hm probably her ex or something.

Huh whatever, Mr Fluff where are you cutiee let's play abit,  oh wait are you hungry ? Let me give you some food.

Hey dont judge me I have a soft spot for cats okay? I'm so happy that I have mr fluff with me.

I sighed. My love should i move on? I wonder if you still love me, or have you ever liked me in the first place?

The next day....

I got ready for work and decided to stop at the coffee shop near my work place to have breakfast there.

It was around 10 am, not many people were here yet. I really like this shop its really nice ,cosy and calm. I ordered my food and ate it when it was ready. I got up from my chair and was about to make my way to the door but i stopped in my track when i saw a girl come in.
My eyes opened wide in shock. Someone tell me that im not dreaming?

The girl didnt see me yet but i quickly ran towards her and held her face between my hands. She also looked so shocked.

Suddenly the door opened and we heard a loud gasp.

                         Y/N P.O.V

I got ready because im gonna meet up with someone today.

My ankle still hurts abit from yesterday but it isn't that painful anymore, i can walk now atleast.

Its 10:30 right now and im literally on time. We were supposed to meet at a coffee shop so i decided to go in, she might be waiting for me inside.

However my excitement faded away when i opened the door,  my heart broke into million pieces, i was in confusion and sad at the sight infront of me.

There was Hyunjin, the boy who I fell in love with, holding Rina;my best friend's face between his hands. He looked at her in a way i never seen before. Wait do they know each other? What's happening.

I accidentally gasped loudly and both of them quickly turned their heads towards my direction.

Oh shit, I turned around as fast as i could and started walking away fast, but because of my stupid ankle i can't even run away from this situation.

"Y/n wait its not how it looks like !!" I heard Rina shouting behind me as she ran to catch up with me.

I dont know how to face her after what just happened.

《𝑷𝒔𝒚𝒄𝒉𝒐 𝒏𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒓》- 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 𝙛𝙛Where stories live. Discover now