episode 6 (+16)

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Another day at school passed as normal.
The whole day I couldn't focus on the lessons. I kept on thinking about what happened yesterday.

"Heyyy Y/N are you okay?" Changbin asked while we were walking home.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"We noticed that the whole day you've been spacing out while we were talking and in lessons you were daydreaming the whole time, this is really weird because you usually pay attention in class. Is everything okay?" Felix said with a worried tone.

Aww they are so sweet they really care about (T_T)

"Nah Im fine, im just too tired because i couldn't sleep properly" i felt bad for lying but i felt too embarrassed to tell the what actually happened yesterday.

Felix gave me the 'i know you're lying' look. We've been friends for so long that he can read me so easily like a book. However i ignored his stare and started talking about random topics.

When we finally separated our ways to go home i felt so relieved because the whole time i felt Felix's glaze on me.

I don't know if I should tell them ,but I can't lie either because of Felix.

I reached my house and i looked over my neighbour's front garden, but thankfully he wasnt there- wait i just realised i don't even know his name yet.

I stepped inside my house and my jaw dropped.

My parents were sitting in the living.


They weren't alone.

He was there too.

"Mum?? Dad????" I spoke and they all turned their heads towards me.

"Oh sweetie ,you're back? Have you met Hyunjin yet? He's our new neighbour" my mum asked me while smiling.

Hyunjin? So that's his name huh?

"Hyunjin?" I asked while looking at him. He was giving his usual dark stare with an evil grin, however my parents didn't notice it cuz they were focusing on me.

"Oh i guess you two still haven't met yet" my dad said.

Never met huh?

He was literally squashed against me yesterday.

"No... its actually my first time seeing him" i said without breaking eye contact with H-hyunjin. I feel weird saying his name.

His smirked at my answer and looked at me with amusement.

"So why don't you two talk abit and get to know eachother?" Mum said while turning her head towards Hyunjin.



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