episode 10

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I knocked on the door waiting for Rina to open the door.

I looked around while waiting and I got nostalgic, I used to spend a lot of time at this place. The tree next to her house that we once used to climb so much now is so tall and big.

I heard the door unlocking and I felt excitement filling me. As soon as we made eye contact we hugged each other so tightly.

"Rina I missed you so much!!" I said as I slowly broke the hug.

"Me too! We need to catch up on so much stuff" she said while pulling me inside the house and closing the front door.

Wow she really changed alot, she looks more mature and she also cut her hair short which suits her so much and also dyed it brown.

Wow she really changed alot, she looks more mature and she also cut her hair short which suits her so much and also dyed it brown

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"Wow girl you look so good " I said while stroking her hair.

"I wanted to say the same thing, you changed a lot!" She said while smiling.

We then went to her room and chatted alot.

After awhile she said she will bring some snacks and told me to wait here in her room.

I was looking around the room, everything still looks the same.
My eyes then landed on a picture on her wall.

Wow we looked so young back then. Rina had long black hair and I used to put my hair in these cute silly hairstyles.

Its been some hours and I still haven't told her about about my neighbour yet

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Its been some hours and I still haven't told her about about my neighbour yet.

"Rina there's something- more like someone I need to tell you about...its about my new neighbour"
And yh i told her everything

"...and yh I can't help to love him even though he's violent towards me"

Rina looked shocked and concerned.

"Y/n be careful with who you fall in love with, if he can't respect you then try to ignore him. I know its hard to suddenly stop liking someone but please try your best" Rina said without breaking eye contact with me.

I returned home at around 8pm.

I decided to take a bath and relax for a bit however I started thinking about what Rina said. Should I try to avoid him from now one? It will be the best for me because I know that we not meant to be.

I put on my clothes and went to the kitchen to get something to eat, mum left my dinner in the fridge so I put it in the microwave to heat it.

I was waiting for the food to get hot when I heard the sound of a motorcycle.  I knew it was him.

My heart was telling me to go check him from the window but my brain was telling me to ignore him. I know my brain was smart but seeing him one last time won't hurt right?

Oh well...

It did..

It did hurt alot.

My heart ached as I saw him with a girl,  I guess its the same girl as last time ,but what hurt me the most is that they started roughly kissing each other before they even opened the front door. They were literally eating each others mouths.

I quickly turned away from the window and sat on the floor gagging and my whole body started shaking like leaf in autumn.

I lost my appetite so I left the food and went to my room .

I just laid there motionless.

I should have listened to my brain after all.

He has a girlfriend , I keep forgetting that .

Everytime I think of that scene that I just witnessed i start gagging, atleast I think this will help me to not like him anymore.

After awhile I took my phone and called the only person I needed right now.

"..y/n ..whats wrong?.." she said while yawning.

"Rina please come to my house tomorrow" I said urgently.

"Why is everything alrigh-"

"I'll tell you everything tomorrow" I quickly hang up and started sobbing.

Dang this feeling hurts more then when he used me.

Hyunjin P.O.V

Finally I'm far away from  them after so many years I feel free. But she isn't here with me, why didn't she want to come with me? My love why did you let me go ? Its scary here all alone ,I don't understand my own feelings anymore.

Here is a new start for me,I got a new decent house ,made new friends and got a nice job.

But I wasn't happy, I can't be happy without her . I slept with so many random girls to forget about you but the next day when I wake up next to these girls I feel disgusted.

Then there's my neighbours, somehow it always makes me angry when I see them happy,
especially that girl
Seeing her happy makes me angry and when she's near me I lose control over my body.

I used to be so violent back then.

But I'm trying to change with this new start. I try to put on a positive mask on top of my actual agressive personality

But y/n... she makes my old me come back alive again as if she takes off my mask without even trying.

I guess its my nature to be agressive.

I am violent .... because of them , they made me like the person I am today.

Whenever she calls me 'psycho' it makes my blood boil. Me psycho? Girl you dont know who the real psychos are. The word psycho reminds me of them , I dont wanna be seen like them.

Because they are the real monsters.

I dont wanna act kindly towards y/n bcuz i always fail to do so, i dont want her to come my way but she doesn't listen.

I dont wanna hurt others or hurt my self anymore but shes making it so hard for me ,i need her to hate me but she keeps on coming back.

When I got a new bitch today and started making out with her, but i saw y/n looking at us from the window.

She looked too shocked and disgusted to notice my stare and she quickly turned and moved away.

I hope that will teach her to stay away from me.
But why do i feel weird?

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