episode 9

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"Feed me"


I just started at him without knowing how to reply.

"W-what?" I asked while giving him that 'wtf' face.

"I said feed me" he said with a serious tone while still looking directly at my eyes.

"T-then sit up" why tf do I always stutterrrrr.

His lips turned to a mischievous smirk as if it was a sign to show me that he won.

I help the spoon infront of his lips waiting for him open his mouth.

I just sat there with spoon in my hands like an idiot while he just looked at me.

"What don't you want to eat it?" I asked abit annoyed by his behaviour.

"You want me to burn my mouth huh?" He asked while frowning face.

"You want me to burn my mouth huh?" He asked while frowning face

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Oh god this guy .
I rolled my eyes and then blew softly on the soup in the spoon then once again held it in front of his lips.

This time he finally opened his mouth and ate it.

After a few minutes I was finally done feeding him. I was awkward cuz he kept looking at me but I tried my best to avoid his stare.

He was about to lay down again but I told him to stop.

"Wait, I'll go get something" I told him and quickly ran downstairs to the kitchen and took a glass of water and some pill and came back to his room.

"Take these" I handed him the glass and the pill.

"How do I know you're not trying to poison me?"

"Hmm why would I spend my time taking care of you if I tried to poison you?" I said nonchalantly.

He just gave me a smirk after he heard my answer.

He took the pill and put the glass on his nightstand. Iwas about to turn around and leave but his voice stopped me.

"You're so naïve"

"Huh what do you mean?" I asked while turning around to face him.

He gave me a short and low laugh.

"I told you to leave but you still decided to stay here, alone with a guy, a guy that  been so violent to you, a guy that could to anything to you right now" his voice gave me chills.

"But you cant do anything to me, you're too weak right no-"

Before i could finish my sentence, he quickly reached for my arm then pulled me on top of him and quickly got on top of me. Everything happened so fast that i couldn't even react.

"Too weak huh? Are you really sure i cant do anything to you right now?" He said while pinning my hand and looking down at my body.

And i was just there paralysed regretting all of my life choices.

"What a nice prey, you easily came to a predator" he said while lowering himself closer to me.

I gulped so hard and my stomach twisted.

"Now let me take care of you"

As soon as he finished the sentence he attacked my neck with his lips.

No thats not what i want.

Even though i like him ,i can't let him use me again like the other times.

I struggled to get out of his grip, he was weaker than usual but still stronger than me.

After a few moments he slowly let go of my hand while he slided his hand behind my waist and lifted me a bit so our bodies were more closer now.

His other hand let go of my my hand and started touching the side of my hip.

Now that both of my hands were free I took the chance to push him so hard.

He fell beside me and I was about to ran away but he grabbed one of my hands again and pulled me closer to him.

"Never underestimate me" he said in almost a whisper with a grin and finally let go of me.

I ran as fast as I could and got out of his house. Without looking back I quickly entered my house and locked myself in my room. Mum was cooking in the kitchen so she didn't see me thank god. And I think dad was in his studio doing some paper work.

Again I ran away like a sheep.

I was so blinded by my feelings that I forgot what type of guy he is.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I was shocked.

There where so many hickeys and they were all darker than last time.

I finally broke down.

Yes I always cry.

I can't do anything better.

Why am I so useless in everything?

I can't even defend myself.

Why is he so aggressive to me. I never actually do anything wrong to him, I even took so much care of him today, but is that how he repays me for my kindness??

"Y/n dinner is ready!" Mum shouted .

I can't go there looking like this.

"I'm not hungry! I'll eat later" I shouted back.

"Okay then I'll leave the food in the fridge, heat it up when you're hungry"

Phew thank god she didn't ask me any questions or force me to eat like she does sometimes.

I sighed and flopped on my bed.

Honestly I was starving.

I waited a few hours for my parents to go sleep so they wouldn't see what happened to my neck. It was 12 am and there was no sound. I opened the door and peaked outside, it was all dark, this meant that my parents are asleep. I slowly and quietly made my way to the kitchen and took my dinner out of the fridge. I put it in the microwave to heat it up.

While I was waiting for the food my phone started ringing.
I quickly answered as soon as I saw the caller.

"Omg Rina how are you???"

"I'm sorry y/n i called you this late but I just landed in Korea, and I'm good how have you been doi-"

"OMG BITCH YOU CAME BACK?? I GOT SO MANY THINGS TO TELL YOUUUU" I was so shocked and excited that I didn't even let her finish her sentence.

"ME TOO BITCH ME TOO" Rina also sounded so excited, also its common for me and Rina to call each other bitch hehe.

"Y/n come to visit me at my family house tomorrow, it will just be me at home"

"Obviously I will come"

We talked a bit more then we hang up because she sounded really exhausted from the flight.

Rina is also my childhood best friend. We met when we were 5 at a park and we've been friends ever since. However she moved abroad with her family but they still have a house here so they can stay when they come visit korea.

《𝑷𝒔𝒚𝒄𝒉𝒐 𝒏𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒓》- 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 𝙛𝙛Where stories live. Discover now