☕︎ - "Breakfast Bros"

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My hair is all messed up rip🗿 BUT TAKE THIS CHAPTER

POV - Tabi

I slowly opened my eyes. I felt like I was trapped by something, something was keeping me where I was.

“FPPGGJ SHUT UP YOU'RE GONNA WAKE THEM UP AND AGOTI WILL SLAP US.” Whitty whisper yelled. “I'M SORRY MY VOICE IS NATURALLY LOUD.” Ruv whisper yelled back, snapping the camera.

“What are you both doing...?” I asked tiredly, sitting up.

“Look you woke him up, you only got like 4 pictures of this.” Whitty glared at Ruv. “5 actually. But that's still enough to blackmail them later.” Ruv stated blankly.

“What are you talking about??” I questioned again. Ruv pointed down to my waist. Looking down, I didn't realise I blushed heavily. Agoti was the thing keeping me there. He was sleeping like a log and hugging me.

“I think he likes you,” Whitty smirks. “But i'm not a marine biologist, I don't study squids.” he laughed. Ruv made an exhale, as he was unable to laugh.

“You'll both delete those pictures if you know what's good for you,” I glared. “Or what? I'm soo terrified!” Whitty joked more. “I'll tell Agoti you bought more pizza and didn't tell him about it.”

“..You wouldn't.”
“Oh I definitely would.”
“Okay fine, Damn.. We won't show them to anyone..” Whitty crossed his arms and left. Ruv watched him leave and looked back at us. “Goodluck talking to him when he wakes up.” he left the room.

“Gh- i'm gonna kill them if they post that online..” I uttered, massaging the middle of my eyes.

“Oh hiii hun- I mean Tabi..Kill who for what now..?” Agoti yawned, his eyes still shut tiredly. “Oh don't worry about it. Did you sleep well?” I got out of his bed and helped him up after I was stable. “Funny that you mention that, I slept better than I ever have before,” Agoti rubbed his eyes.


As we entered the kitchen, I realised only Ruv was there, just holding his phone and in his new work uniform. It looked a little exposing and I didn't wanna further piss him off with his new style, so I derived the topic to.. “Where's Whitty?” I asked. “..Still getting ready for some reason.. If he doesn't hurry up, we'll both be late...” the Russian stated.

“i'm gonna make some cereal..” Agoti uttered, still tired. “Okay okay, i'm ready now, how's that new uniform treatin' ya?” Whitty looked at Ruv with a smirk. All Ruv did to respond was to pull down his ushanka by the sides to cover his face. “Let's just go already..” Ruv huffed. Whitty ruffled his hat, causing his grey-blue hair to poke out. “Whatever you say, man.”

Whitty and Ruv left quickly after that, now it was just Agoti and I.

“Hey, Agoti?” I asked. “What, i'm eating, you don't disturb someone when they're eating,” he answered. “Okay, fine, i'll make it quick, why did you want me to stay with you last night?” I asked, My stomach full of butterflies.

Agoti seemed to freeze and blush heavily. It also seemed he completely forgot he was hugging me for probably half the night. “.. Um.. I ...” He began. “... I.. Well um.. I can't say it, i'm too embarrassed.”

I didn't think he was thinking of what I was thinking.. Which was me being in love with him.. Psh, yeah right, Agoti? Having a crush on me? Doubt it. “...embarrassed of what? Not like there's anyone here to judge you,” I assured him.

“I just can't say it. You'll think i'm fucked up or something.” He rubbed his eyes. “Hm.. If I say anything rude, you can bitch slap me, okay?”

“Fine. Deal.” Agoti inhaled and ate his cereal. “...I lgighgph youhfhf” he said while chewing. “I can't understand you when you're eating.”

“I LOV-”
My phone went off suddenly, disturbing his words. “..Hold that thought, Agoti.- Yeah?” I picked up the phone. “Yo Tabs, can you and Agoti go pick up the groceries because Ruv and I are gonna have to do the day shift and then the graveyard shift, so we won't be home until tomorrow morning.” Whitty told me. “Fiiiiine.. Anything specific I should get?”

“Three boxes of pancake mix.” Whitty spoke immidiately. “Pancakes do sound good when we get home, especially if Whitty's making it,” Ruv commented in the background. “Ruv you're supposed to be cleaning the grill,” Whitty paused the grocery list for a moment, just long enough for me to start writing a list. “I'm a fucking cashier not a janitor.” Ruv retorted. “Doesn't matter, I need you to clean it so I can do my job. You do your job so I can do mine.”

“It's not my job, though.” Ruv answered. “Just go clean the grill.” Whitty demanded. “Nyet, Blyat ty.” he retorted in russian. “I don't know what that means but i'll assume you're-”

“-It means "no, fuck you."” I told Whitty.
“HOW COULD YOU RUV” Whitty seemed offended. “Okay is all you want pancake mix?” I asked.
“That and milk, chocolate syrup, and icecream sandwiches, now excuse me while I beat Ruv's ass.” Whitty answered. “Okay by-”
the phone hung up.

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