!OC introduction!

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Name: Dazai Akari / Akari Dazai

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Name: Dazai Akari / Akari Dazai

Family: Dazai Osamu (Twin brother)

Age: 22 (Present)
20 (Entrance Exam)
18 (Dark Era)
16 (Dragon's Head Conflict)
15 (Fifteen)
14 (Pre-Fifteen)

Also known as: Triple Dark (former, alongside Nakahara Chuya and Dazai Osamu)
Agency's Sharpest Detectives (alongside Edogawa Ranpo and Dazai Osamu)
Time Turner (people just call her that for some reason)
Cleverest Twin (alongside Dazai Osamu)
Time Tellers (former, alongside Oda)
Miss bartender

Status: Alive

Birthday: June 19

Gender: Female

Likes: Tea, Oda, Dazai Osamu (Onii-san), The Clock maker, Black Ribbons, Rubik's cube, her parasol

Likes: Tea, Oda, Dazai Osamu (Onii-san), The Clock maker, Black Ribbons, Rubik's cube, her parasol

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*Choose any one of them*

Dislike: Dogs, Someone hurting people she loves


Ability: Time shall flow
Jikan wa nagarenakereba naranai

Occupation: Detective
Mafia Secretary (former)
                   Bartender (former)

Affiliation: Armed Detective Agency
Port Mafia
                    Bar Lupin

Her personality: Akari is a cheerful girl, she likes to smile alot that when she crazy it's scary. Just like her brother Dazai, she is also somewhat like a maniac. But unlike him who loves to suicide, she let's fate chooses how she dies.

When Dazai Osamu becomes serious over something she turns into a girl with few words. She used to serve Oda like her master but now she serves Dazai Osamu like both her Onii-san and master.

She is a girl who loves to be positive and happy, just don't make her upset and she won't hurt you.


Info: Dazai Akari uses her parasol as a weapon to attack against small enemies but underneath the parasol is a katana and somewhat of a bag where she put everything in it. No one knows how she managed to put everything in her parasol but at least it was useful. Akari also has a rubik cube that was made by the clock maker. The cube is not an ordinary cube but a time cube, when Akari twists her cube it can either change time, look into the future or the past. But do beware if you accidentally look into the future Akari will know and your life will be in danger. Other then The Clock maker, Oda, Dazai Osamu and her no one can use it. She is able to see a bit in the future thanks to the cube and rebuild the whole city when it collapse.

Other ability: Tbh this was not a ability but was a experiment. Akari was a experiment when she was a kid but she was grateful that she was because the experiment was a success and now she upholds a ability or well....power to control black ribbons. Her ribbons are powerful and strong making it hard to cut nor break.

*Her power/ ability is like how Wanda uses her power but instead of ya know 'telekinesis' she controls strong ribbons XD*

*Her power/ ability is like how Wanda uses her power but instead of ya know 'telekinesis' she controls strong ribbons XD*

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Name: Unknown

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Name: Unknown

Well known as: The Clock Maker (by Dazai Akari)

Info: Dazai Akari is the only one who knows about the Clock maker since he was the one who made the Cube of Time. The clock maker likes to stay in his clock shop and fix clocks that are related to time changing, time portal and stuff.

*P.s. All art does not belong to me.*

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