Avni's delivery time

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Chapter 140:

The darkness was all around there was a pin drop silence as it says when heartbreaks they did not create a voice.

Avneil's room was lighted with a lamp, Neil makes Avni sits on the bed and gives her water she just sips it as she did not want it. Neil sits beside her and takes her hand in his hand.

Neil: Avni, you are more stronger than me you know when I got to know the truth I was shattered I was blank, I did not understand what to do or what not and you also feel that, right. I even did not understand that doctor meant to say cesarean not the other surgery. I thought she...

Neil stops. Avni understands what he meant as they both searched a lot about pregnancy and related to that.

Neil: I was afraid you will shatter but, the way you handled the news I feel proud of you. I know this phase is difficult and we have to be extra careful we will pass it like we pass other hard times, right?

Avni nods.

Avni: I am not worried about myself I just don't want anything to happen to our child; I want it safe.

Neil: then you have to be strong and you are strong. Don't take stress it can be risky.

Avni: I am trying but some things are not in our hands still I am trying to not think about it.

Neil: and I will help you with it.

Avni nods with a soft smile. Neil smiled and cups her face.

Neil: that's like my girl.

Avni smiles and Neil keeps her head near his chest and kisses her forehead.

Days pass like this, Neil and their Family tried every possible effort to make Avni happy. Mehta family also comes to spent time with Avni so she will not think about the surgery but it was not easy for Avneil to forget that thing though the baby was safe now but, still a fear took place in their heart which is irreplaceable. Neil hides his fear but Avni always caught him and the nine months of Avni's pregnancy are completed.

It was the time of the evening and three days were left to the surgery. Avni was sitting on the bed and suddenly she felt pain but soon she feels better it happens for sometimes she wants to call the family but she thought Neil will come back soon then she will tell him. Avni again felt the pain and this time its intensity was more. Avni tried to call someone and a scream comes from her mouth. Neil was in the corridor he was coming by crying a bouquet he heard her scream he throws the bouquet when he hears Avni's scream and runs to the room.

Neil stops at the door and is shocked to see Avni she was in severe pain. Before going to her Neil shouts her mother name and comes to Avni. Neil caresses her hair and saw the sweat on her forehead.

Neil: Avni, what happened?

Avni: my... baby.

Neil: mom, Bebe.

Neil looks at Avni.

Neil: relax.

Soon, Shweta and Bebe come.

Shweta: What hap...

They are shocked to see Avni and comes to her.

Neil: mom, Avni.

Bebe: I think she has delivery pain, take her to the hospital we are coming after. Shweta you go with them.

Shweta nods. Neil took Avni in his arms and fastly goes. Shweta goes after him.

Bebe: God! Please save Avni and the child.

Neil makes Avni sits at the backside he was about to move but Avni holds his sleeve. Neil turns to her and caresses her head to make her relax.

Neil: I am here Avni. I have to drive.

Avni shook her head.

Avni: please be with me.

Neil: I am with you. We have to go hospital so I have to drive the car.

Avni didn't leave his shirt and squeezes her eyes more tightly.

Prakash comes. Shweta was sitting with Avni.

Prakash: what are you waiting for, Neil?

Shweta: Avni wants him to sit with her.

Prakash: Neil, you sit. I will drive.

Neil nods. Shweta gets down from the car and gets in the passenger seat and Neil sits with Avni.

Khanna family was on the way. Neil was trying to calm Avni she was in his arms. Neil was continuously caressing her head and making the hairs away from her head.

Neil: we will reach soon, relax. Dad, drive fast.

Avni: Ne, Neil.

Neil: yes.

Avni: If, if the doctor asks, asks you... to, to choose one then, then cho, choose our baby.

Neil shocked. It crushed his heart. His eyes get the tears

Neil: Avni, nothing will happen like that. Be positive.

Avni: please, please promise... me.

Neil: Avni...

Avni: please.

Neil: just stay calm and don't talk.

Avni: promise me.

Neil's eyes filled with tears.

Avni: and if... something ha, happens to me...

Neil shocked.

Avni: then take care of our child.

Neil shocked.

Neil: shut up, Avni, nothing will happen to you and our child.

Avni: give it love...love of both mother... and father.

Neil tried his best to not shout at her, to control his emotions so, he talks by grinning his teeth.

Neil: Avni, shut up. You and our baby both have to be with me that's it. Do you get that?

Avni: I love you, Neil.

Neil's heart ached he kissed her forehead.

Neil: I love you too.

Shweta was also crying she prays for the safety of Avni and her child and, also for the happy family of Avneil with their baby.

Soon, they reached. Avni was taking to the ward she was laying on the stretcher. Neil was holding her hand. Avni was taken to the ward. The doctor checked her and comes to Neil.

Doctor: we have to do delivery now.

Neil: but it was after three days.

Doctor: but she has delivery pain and we have to do surgery now.

Neil: please save them, please.

Doctor: I will try.

Later, Avni was taken to the operation theatre. Neil was holding her hand she was about to be taken inside but Avni tighten the grip.

Neil: one minute.

They stop. Neil comes to her he caressing her head again to make her feel good and kisses her forehead.

Neil: everything will be fine.

Avni: remember your promise.

Neil looks at her and didn't say anything. They took Avni inside and the hands separated. Neil looks up and prays.

Neil: please God! Please give me, my Avni and child back safely. Please they both are the reason of my life. please.

Neil prays and closes his eyes.

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