A fun day together

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Luz P.O.V

We arrive at the frozen yogurt place and get out and head inside, "So, this is the place you want to show me?" I nodded and we entered and got a 'hello' from the cashier. "Do you want to try diffrent one's until you find one you like or do you want a suggestion?" "I'll just try a couple of them."

"Alright, after you can put some toppings on" Amity nods and tastes only two before she finds one she likes which happened to be the same one I had gotten. I'm watching her as she's delicately putting only a few toppings on and she finishes it off with a cherry on top.

I find it cute how she always dose things in her own certain way, and then you would look at me who dose things like a starving animal. "Amity! Amity! Over here!" Amity and I both turn in the direction of the person shouting her name.

Once we are looking the girl runs over to her with her phone out "do you mind if I get a picture with you?" "Uh yeah sure one second. Luz can you hold this for me?" "Yeah sure I don't mind" Amity then hands me her cup as she takes a quick photo with the fan.

"Thank you so much! My friends are not going to believe this!" the girl the hurries out seeming to have her day made. I then hand Amity her cup back and head to the register, "will that be all?" "It should be, Amity want to grab any last things?" Amity shakes her head and I get my wallet out.

"How much will it be?" "7.50$" I nod and take out a ten when Amity stops me "You aren't paying I will" "this is my treat Am's. I'm paying" and just as I thought calling her by a nickname worked, I payed got the change and we sat down.

As we're sitting there Amity still seems dumbfounded from me calling her a nickname, and of course I start laughing. It takes a second but she snaps out of just staring into space and just looks at me "what did you call me?"

"I called you Am's so I could pay for it since any other way wouldn't have worked" this ends with her glaring at me every so often while we finish up our frozen yogurt.

"Oh I feel sick" I end up groaning and wrap my arms around my stomach "then why'd you get so much and force it?" I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly "because I have no self control" Amity just sighs and moves her chair next to mine.

"Want me to drive back to the studio?" "No" "your stubborn aren't you?" "Yes, yes I am" that gets a laugh out of Amity which just makes me smile. "Here, I'll at least throw this out since you are so insistent to drive."

I stick my tongue out at her and she just rolls her eyes with a smile on her face. I get my stuff together as she's walking back over and we're leaving as we see a familiar face. "Boscha? What are you doing buying flowers?"

Amity questions her and Boscha just freezes on what she's doing, "I uh what do you mean?" Boscha awkwardly laughs before turning the question on us. "Well what are you two doing together?" "I asked first Boscha."

Amity stands with her arms crossed waiting for a response "for your information I'm getting these for myself" Amity quirks a brow looking her up and down then back at the flowers. "Roses for yourself?" "....yes."

"Now what are you two doing" "Luz just brought me to get frozen yogurt." Boscha hums while paying "also, why did you shoot us a text saying we couldn't go to the studio today?" "I was just doing some work and I didn't want to be bothered."

"Oh, alright well I need to swing by later just so you know" Amity nods and we wave to Boscha and get ready to go when Amity speaks up "bet she's getting those for Willow" "how do you know?" "Oh it's simple, Boscha has a huge crush on Willow she hides it for the most part but it's clear."

"And another thing, when they come tomorrow for the hang out, Willow will come in being met with those exact roses" "wouldn't Willow know?" "If your asking if she'll know about who brought her the roses the answer is no. Boscha will bring them to the studio later put them in a vase and put a label on them that says 'for Willow' and tells her that when she got there she found them outside by the door."

"That's uh dedication to wanting to keep a crush a secret" "Yeah, it's definitely one of the weirder ways" as we're on the way back to the studio and Amity's looking out the windows. I get an idea and hook my phone up to the stereo and pull up The Abominations YouTube channel.

I pull up the cover of 'Ashes' that they did yesterday and it doesn't take long for it to get Amity's attention. "Hey, is that our-" "Yep! That's your guy's song from yesterday" Amity smiles and she starts singing along happily.

~~back at the studio~~

"Alright Luz, you owe me for the lessons" I just groan and put my head down on the table. "Come on Luz, you owe me" I look over at her and she picks up my bag and hands it to me, "Amity this is embarrassing."

"I doubt that, just show me a couple of them" I sigh in relief and take my drawings out of my bag but unfortunately I left the sketches of Amity at the top of the stack. "what's those ones!" I instantly cover it up most likely smudging the pencil.

"N-nothing!" Amity laughs "I was just kidding but now I'm curious" I look at her and back at my sketches, "alright, let me just make sure there aren't any testing pages first" that was a lie I really had to make sure I take out the one's of her with hearts around it.

I quickly take them out, fold them which pained me but it was better then her seeing and putting them away. "Okay that should be all, if you find any just ignore them" Amity nods as I hand her the sketches and she starts flipping through and I get nervous that she'll find an embarrassing one.

She's going though seeming to adore them when just as she said Boscha walks in holding the roses. "Thought those were for yourself" Amity makes Boscha stop in her tracks with a smug look on her face "t-they were- are! They are, I just need to put them in something."

"Like that vase you brought in?" "Um yeah... I just want to fill it here" "With the same water you have at your house? It all comes from the tap" Boscha just groans and rests her head on the table top ''Why are you always so logical." "I'm not top student for nothing."

Boscha glares at Amity when she notices I'm here to "oh come on! Is everyone here to witness me put flowers in a vase!" Amity's about to respond when I beat her to it "nah, just here to watch you fail at flirting with Willow."

Boscha looks at me with her jaw dropped and Amity covers her mouth holding back a laugh. "H-b-y-" Boscha can't get even one word out finishes what she's doing and storms out of the studio, and that's when Amity breaks and leans against the wall busting out laughing.

"Okay, Luz, that was perfect. No one has broken her or gotten her that mad that quickly." I grin at her and she continues flipping through the sketches stopping every so often to ask me about it. Soon it gets late after some more guitar practice and Amity hugs me bye and we head home.

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