1. Red Light, Green light | pt 1

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POV - Y/n

'' COME BACK HERE !'' the cook yelled as I run to get out of the restaurant with a big bread in my hands that I stole.

I push everyone out of my way to not get caught by the big man with a kitchen knife in his hand, running around behind me.

I didn't like this, I didn't want to do this and it was against ny values, but surviving was more important than my or anyone's values at the moment.

Once I finally reach the door, I pushed them and almost tripped, but started running again with fear for my life and the bread. I hear a 'agh!' and turned around to see what it was and the cook is sitting, massaging is legs with pain in his face.

I quickly turn around to run again before the police sees me, however I had a mask and a cape on so no one saw my identify.

What made me do this ?


Because I don't even have enough to buy myself this bread and I'm living alone with my parent, p/n. We barely have a roof over our head, a very small appartment that looks like it's going to fall at any moment.

I take a plastic bag I had in my bag and put the bread in it, walking home.

I still kept my hoodie and mask on to make sure I wasn't recognizable. After all, this is what it takes to not be seen by the gang that looks after you because you couldn't pay them back.

I take my old phone and look at the time, I still had two hours to do something else and maybe even have fun. I look around and see a man running towards me and other men running after him. He had black hair with brown eyes, seemed to have a blue hat with a grey coat and a pink shirt under the coat.

Then, when he didn't look, he push a girl and they both fall on the ground. Ouch. He tried to help her fast and started running again

He runs towards me again so I decided to make place to let him go, which he did and the guys continued to follow him until they all went to the toilet. What happened to this man, I don't know but hope he will be alright.

I walk again and then goes to the train station, sitting on a bench to wait for the next train, until a man walks up to me, dressed up nice with a case. He looks at me smiling.

'' Hello miss. Do you mind if I talk to you ?'' He says, still with a smile on his face.

I let him some place to sit on the bench, not responding.

'' Miss, would you like to play a game with me ?'' He says calmly.

''You guys have this tactic now huh, going to strangers to probably talk abour God or the new cool engine you created, well I don't-'' as I was about to finish my sentence, I look st him and he shows the inside of his case, which had a lot of money in it.

'' Have you played ddakji before ?'' He says

'' Yeah.. when I was young.. why?''

'' Play a few rounds with me, and each round you win I will give you 100,000 won. If I win, you give me 100,000.''

I gulped. I didn't have the money but, I'm sure he knew that with the way I dress.

'' Okay fine, but I choose the color.'' I say next.

He smiles and nods. We both get up and I take the blue card. He puts the red one on the ground. You just have to flip it over, right ?

I prepare myself and lauch ny card on his, which didn't make it flip.

He looks at me then take the red card while mine was still on the ground. He lauches his as fast as lightning and it flips my card over.

Damn it. Well, another dept.

He looks at me.
'' Do you have any money on you, miss ?''
'' No, sorry I shouldn't have tried.''
'' Oh, how about you pay with your body instead ?'' He says next.

I didn't even have time to responds before he slaps me straight on the face.

The fuck ?
''The fuck ?'' I almost yelled.
'' I'll take 100 grand off per slaps.''

Enraged, I take my card again.

'' Another round.''

/passing where you get slapped by the handsome man <3/

I lauch my card on his again, then finally, his card flips over, showing that I finally won.

'' Ah! I won, now come here you-''

He puts a hand in front of me and then shows the money.

'' Congratulations, you really well played.'' He gives me the money, still smiling.

I almost cry of joy when I see the 100,000 won in my hands.

'' You know, there are other games like this where you can make even much more.''

I scoff but then he looks at me and says :
'' Miss . (Full name), y/a

Earlier you stole bread for you and p/n.

You tried studying as a teacher at (University name) but couldn't continue your study to help financically your parent.

You now work in a small bar that doesn't pay you that much.

You asked money to a gang because you almost lost your appartment, you sold your body.

and now you have a hundred and eight millions won of depts to thid gang and 450 to the bank.''

There was a silent moment there. What ? How does he know all of this ?

He shows a little brown card with symbols on it.

'' We don't have many spots left.'' he says, then leave.

I look at the card between my fingers, then after a minute of thinking, I decide to call this number and play the game.

/time pass again of you arriving to your apartment/

Once I get in, I take off my shoes and goes to p/n's room to wake him/her up.

'' Hey, Baba, I got bread for you... please come eat with me, yeah ?''

At the table, I give them the 100,000 won smiling and eat a piece of bread.

'' I will have to leave a few days, so please buy yourself some good meal while I will be gone. I was offered a job after all this time.'' I lie. I didn't want to say that I was slapped to win this money.

Baba looks at me worried. '' Where did you get all this money ? You didn't get into this gang again haven't you ?''

I look at him/her, a little mad. ''No. I got this money by working, Baba, now please don't ask yourself these questions I promise you it was by working very hard.''

Baba sighs. ''Thank you,daughter, hope your trip will go well.'' They finally says.

Once we finish eating, I charge my phone then take some gums and my phone with me.

'' See you soon Baba!'' I yell, closing the door behind me.

I walk to where the person I called told me to go. It was a peaceful night, with the stars shining on us.

I hear a car coming and a red car come closer. Once I see the inside, there was three other people, asleep next to me.

'' Everyone was tired huh... hey, where are we going ?'' I say after closing the door.

Then, I feel a strange smell going through my nose, making me asleep more and more. My eyes close and I fall asleep slowly.


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