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Ok guys I know I am very late or it's like live it I am really sorry for this I get you messages but the thing is I lost a lt of person and I and not really even ready for anything else or am living this story here with an epilogue actually I had a draft because when I updat last time I had a lot of ideas but now I just want toh end with an epilogue but for sure I am going to start a new story and I promise I will update you big chapters I am just thinking toh make it different ik it's SidNaaz faction page and it will remain like this only SidNaaz is forever but it's little bit different but I need you permission for this so let's see if you like it or not and I will update the new book in next week so that's it and I am really very sorry..

Love you my puttu's 😘🦋💫

A DEVIL AND HIS ANGEL जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें