Chapter 06: A Friend in You

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It had been several days since Mary had overheard Priscilla and Thomas' conversation. Today was the last day of the festival, and tomorrow, the circus would be gone. If Mary wanted to go, she'd have to sneak out tonight.

The young girl felt conflicted. It had been years since she'd gone. The circus had visited another time after the incident, but she didn't go. Mary missed how fun that night was. She missed the freedom she felt outside the church grounds.

She wanted to go, so she would.

The girl looked at the auburn-haired boy helping with lunch. She fell deep into her thoughts.

'Should I invite Allen?' Mary pondered.

'But what if he tattles on me?'

'No, Allen wouldn't do that.'

Mary decided. She would ask Allen to come with her tonight and hope for him to say yes. She continued to help make lunch.


Night had fallen. Mary slowly tip-toed through the carpeted hallway. She reached Allen's door. Mary knocked on it.

"Allen, are you awake?" She whispered. If a nun found her, she'd be dead meat.

The door opened, showing a boy who clearly hadn't slept.

"Did you need something? I couldn't sleep." The boy questioned.

Mary steeled herself. It was time to ask him the question. She looked him in the eye.

"Do you wanna come with me to see the circus?"

He looked at Mary, surprised.

"You mean the one in town." He asked.

"Yeah, of course, that one."

"Wouldn't that be sneaking out?"

"Don't worry, we won't get caught, but..... if you really don't want to come, I'll go by myself." Mary said, disappointed.

Then there was silence. Allen opened his mouth to speak.

"No, I'll go with you. It's sucked being stuck here, anyway."

Mary smiled. "Great!" She said, a little too loudly.

"Oops." She laughed nervously.

"I don't think anyone heard that. Let's get going." Allen said. Mary nodded in agreement.

The two quietly walked to the back entrance with Mary leading. She opened the church door. Once again, a current of cold air hit her. She felt a wave of nostalgia, reminiscing about days gone by.

"Mary?" The boy's voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Oh! Sorry." Mary apologized.

"There's a hole in the church's fence." She said. "Even after all these years, the hole hasn't been repaired. In fact, it's gotten bigger!" Mary snorted.

She and Allen crawled through the metal orifice. Mary could hear crickets. It was way past the children's bedtimes, and everyone at the church was fast asleep.

"Are you sure we're heading in the right direction?" Allen asked with a slight doubt.

"Relax, relax. I know."

As they got closer to the town, Mary could hear the circus music.

'It's just like before.'

Mary grabbed Allen's hand and rushed to the light.

"Hey!" He yelped.

In front of the duo was a magnificent view. The circus seemed grander than before. All the decorations were up to the max.

"Woah..." Allen looked at the sight in awe.

"Pretty cool isn't it?"

Realizing she was still holding the silver-eyed boy's hand, she let it go. Just like the last time she went to the circus, she easily snuck past the naïve Ticketmaster. Mary and Allen walked around the festival. They even played the darts game Mary had played the last time she was here.

"Oh young miss, welcome back!" It was the same man as before. He was older-looking, though.
Mary looked at him wide-eyed.

"You—you remember me?!" she exclaimed, shocked.
He chuckled. "Let's just say I have quite an excellent memory."

Allen leaned over to whisper to Mary.

"Don't you think that's a little odd?" The boy raised his eyebrow.


Before Mary could finish her sentence, the man spoke up.

"Young man, would you like to play a game of darts? The first round is free!" The man held out three darts.
Allen jumped, surprised by the sudden question.

"C'mon, try it!" Mary exclaimed, forgetting all about how creepy the guy was. She was too interested in seeing the boy play.


Allen grabbed the darts.




His eye twitched in annoyance. He had missed all the targets. Allen groaned in frustration.

'I guess Lady Luck isn't on my side.' He thought.

'Wait, is she even real?!?!?'

Before he could fall deeper into his internal crisis. Mary put a hand on his shoulder.

"Cheer up! There are so many other things to do here."

Allen sighed. "I guess you're right."

The two left the stand. The man stared at them until they were out of his sight.


The duo spent the next half an hour playing the carnival games. Then Allen noticed a crowd growing to their left. He grabbed Mary, who was eating some food they had gotten for free. Slowly, the pair moved through the crowd to the front. Mary was still confused as to what was happening.

"What is-"

"A clown," Allen replied, mesmerized by the show. Mary looked at him.

"My father had gone to see the circus a few times. He always said this act was his favorite. Now I understand why."

The clown performed many magic tricks. Suddenly, he approached Mary and pulled a flower from her ear. The crowd 'oohed'.

"For you, lady." The clown put the flower into her hair. Mary felt the heat spreading across her face.

"Ah....." She looked up at the clown. He had a kind smile on his face. Mary couldn't help but smile back.
The performance continued for a few minutes more and then finished. As the gatherers left the spot, Mary and Allen sat on a nearby hill, watching the people come and go.

"I wasn't too sure about this sudden trip, but I really enjoyed it." Allen paused. "I hope you consider me a friend because I do with you." He looked at Mary, eyes glistening.

Mary grinned, happy he enjoyed their time. "Right back at ya, A!"


"Oh, do you not like it?" She tilted her head.

"No, it's not that, but why 'A'?" He leaned closer, eyes narrowing.

Mary giggled and put a finger to her lips. "It's a secret."

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