Chapter 18: Forlorn Destiny

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Since she knew a limited amount of Dutch, Mary could only decipher parts of the two's conversation. But she could understand enough to get the gist of the main topic.

"My roommate, Louise..." Julia started. "She's been acting off lately."

"Off?" Maria questioned.

"Yeah. Like something about her just seems...different." The young woman frowned. "Her mannerisms, routine, even the way she dresses... it's as if she's not the same person."

"Are you sure it's not just her wanting to change?"

"Yes! Especially since..." Julia continued talking, this time at a quicker pace (which Mary believed was because of her nervousness), making it harder for Mary to understand her. The blue-haired girl frowned.

"She's speaking so fast I can't understand," Mary muttered under her breath.

Overhearing her remark, Georges chuckled.

"Even after all that time in the Netherlands..." he said jokingly.

"Oh shaddup, Georges!" Mary pouted. "We weren't there for that long."

Focusing all her attention back on the voices behind the door, Mary was able to gather more information.

"... last month... disappearance..."

"She disappeared?"


There was a brief pause.

"After she came back, something changed. And occasionally, when I glanced at Louise, she didn't even look human. I felt this horrible aura around her. A demonic aura."

The exorcist hummed in understanding.

"Would it be possible for you to stay here tonight?" Maria asked.

"Oh yes, but I need to fetch my son."

"Your son?" Surprise laced the older woman's voice.

"He's only five, but very bright."

"Is he with Louise right now?"


"If you were concerned about Louise, why did you leave your son with her?"

There was another pause.

"Deep in my heart... I didn't want to believe anything was wrong with her. Especially since we've known each other for years." She whispered.

Immediately, Maria sat up and opened the door. She looked back at Julia, who was still seated.

"Your son is in danger, Miss." the platinum-haired woman exclaimed.

Julia's face became pale like a bedsheet. "Danger?" She shivered at her very core.

Maria nodded. Then she looked at Mary.

"Let's go. We have work to do." Then, while walking, she looked at Georges. "Georges, take care of Miss Julia."

"Alright." Georges nodded.

Giving one last glance towards the woman in the parlor, she gave her a smile.

"Don't worry, your son will be safe. We'll make sure of that." Maria assured the young woman.

The two walked at a hurried pace. There was an air of seriousness around them. One that slightly unnerved Mary.

"Has that woman— Louise, really been possessed by an Akuma?" Mary asked.

"Not just possessed, no, she's already dead."

"Dead?!" The young girl gulped. No matter how many times she'd witnessed death it still disturbed her very much.

"She was already far gone when she came back a month later."

Mary took a deep breath and kept walking. Soon she spotted not one, but two figures, and a very familiar smell. She grabbed Maria's sleeve.

"I smell Akuma." She said, slowing down her pace.

"Right where Louise and Julia's son are." Maria's eyes narrowed.

From a bystander's point of view, they looked like average people. A sweet young woman and a happy little boy. Louise— no, the imposter was holding the boy's hand. Right when she was about to lead him away, Maria walked over towards them.

"Lovely day, isn't it?" She said. Mary was awed by the older exorcist's composure. After all, if Mary was in her place, she would've immediately lunged at the imposter Louise.

"Yes, lovely indeed." Imposter Louise narrowed her eyes at the taller woman, clutching the boy closer to her.

"?" The boy looked up at her quizzically.

"Don't worry, Dion. Nothing's wrong. " She gave him a smile. One with a hint of nervousness.

"Oh, I think he has a right to be worried." Maria stepped closer to the pair. "I suggest you let him go."

"And why should I? Julia told me to take care of him while she was away."

"No, she told Louise to take care of him. Not you." Maria retorted.

"Why you-"

Suddenly, an explosion occurred right where the fake Louise and Dion were standing, flinging Dion away. Luckily for the boy, Mary caught him before his head hit the ground.

"You alright?" she asked.

"Mhm." The boy nodded.

"How dare you meddle!" The Akuma, now in its original form, screeched.

"How dare you kill Louise!" Mary yelled.

The Akuma darted for Mary, who, with Dion in her arms, quickly dodged.

"Tch!" Mary scowled. The boy clung to her, afraid.
Wanting to end this quickly, Maria began her routine of songs. First came Magdala Curtain which hid both Mary and Dion, and then Rapture, which drove the Akuma mad. She made quick work of the Akuma, and it turned into dust.

As Mary watched the dust scatter in the air, she heard fast footsteps approaching.

"Oh, Dion! You're safe!" Julia cried, running up and embracing the boy.


"You're safe now, dear." Julia looked up at Maria and gave her a teary smile. "Thank you! Thank you so much."

"It's my job to make sure no Akuma can harm anyone." The tall woman smiled back.

The happy aura didn't last long, however, as thoughts of Louise came forward.

"It's awful how Louise..." Julia looked at the dust in the air.

"Truly unfortunate."

"Yes... I just wish I could've done something..." she bit her lip, holding back more tears, this time of sadness. "Anything. Anything at all."

"This was what fate had in store for her." Maria adjusted her glasses. "Whether or not we like it."

"Fate..." Mary mumbled. She fell deep into her
thoughts and lingered there, thinking.

'Was it fate for that fire to happen?'

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