Chapter 29: The Black Order

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"Woah! You weren't kiddin' when ya said it was tall!" Mary looked at the dark tower with a gaping mouth. She rubbed her eyes, making sure what she was seeing wasn't an illusion.

Maria chuckled. "It's quite the sight, being on top of a plateau in the middle of a Norwegian forest and all."

"I forgot how much I disliked this path." Georges huffed as he dropped Maria's briefcase on the ground, taking a moment to catch his breath.

"Really? It didn't seem to bad to me." Mary remarked.

Georges fell onto his knees, shaking his head. An aura of gloom surrounded him.

"Lady Mary... you and I are very different..." he said sorrowfully.

Mary crouched down to the older man's level and patted him on the back. Then, she looked around.

"Where's Ur-Canpy?" she asked.

"In Lady Maria's luggage." he said dejectedly. Taking a deep breath, he got up from the ground, grabbing the briefcase.

"He's not gonna stay out here with us?" Mary inquired.

"Well..." Georges scratched the back of his head and glanced at Maria. The General was busy looking at something else. "I'll tell you in a bit."

"Okay...?" she narrowed her eyes.

Maria, now facing the other two, called out to them.

"We're almost there! Just a few more steps!" she exclaimed brightly.

Sighing, Georges followed Maria with Mary behind him. Maria was right though, in a couple of minutes they had reached the entrance.

"Wow, those are some big g—" Mary stopped in her tracts.

Just when she thought she'd seen it all, there in front of her was a big, no, gigantic face lodged between the two gates of the tower. Her mouth gaped open. Mary was speechless.

Seeing her pupil's expression, Maria laughed heartily. Her laugh seemed to trigger the face as it began to speak.

"Who goes there?" it said with a loud, booming voice.

"It's been awhile Gatekeeper!" Maria replied joyfully, waving her hand at the sentinel.

"Oh, if it isn't General Krestchmann and Georges L'Belle," the sentinel said, adjusting its eyes. The mechanical lenses peered at Mary. "but who is this cute girl?"

Cute? Mary thought to herself, furrowing her eyebrows.

"My pupil!" Maria exclaimed, putting her hands on Mary's shoulder. Mary awkwardly stared at the sentinel.

"Um...hello." she said.

"How surprising! I never thought I'd see the day when the Krestchmann Unit would have more than one person!" the sentinel remarked. "What is your name, girl?"

"It's Mary." she replied.

"Mary? That's a very fitting name!" he laughed heartily. "My name is Ares Teena Dloe Gynosan P. Ruporson Gear Amadeus 5th!"

Mary's brow twitched.

"But most people call me Gatekeeper." he said.

Suddenly, the sentinel didn't seem so intimidating to Mary.

"Ok's nice to meet you, Gatekeeper...?" Mary said hesitantly.

"The pleasure is all mine." he replied, clearing his voice (something Mary couldn't understand was possible). "I'll just do a quick scan of all of you, just for safe measure."

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