Chapter 3

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Claire walked in her face showing no emotion, only disgust was visible on her features. Today she paid attention to the other girls in her dorm. One was Pansy Parkinson. She didn't know the others, she spotted Reanna hiding behind a magazine, her sandy blonde hair sticking out. Claire decided to ignore her. She went into the lavish bathrooms, which a pureblood witch Walburga Black had donated she was related to Draco, all pureblood were related somehow.. Maybe she and Walburga were related? Okay lets get her priorities in check. She was half-blood, she needed to get over it. No. She was over it. She needed to learn defensive magic non-verbally. She needed to hide all emotions. She needed to feel nothing. She changed into her Black night dress and stiffly, yet gracefully walked out of the restroom. 

Reanna finally looked up from the magazine, she grinned and skipped over to Claire. Claire immediately got her wand out and said maniacally "One wrong move and you're dead, Troy"

Reanna stood still and tilted her head again. 

Claire sneered and jinxed her. Reanna's hair turned a white-grey colour and Reanna's tanned forehead earned wrinkles, her whole posture changed into that of a very very old woman.

"Now now" Said Claire using her maniac voice, it didn't seem to have the effect on Reanna like it did on others "If you want me to turn you back, you me a favour." 

Reanna nodded, not speaking. 

"Come here little one" Said Claire twirling her wand threateningly. 

Reanna hopped towards her, her sea blue eyes looking exactly the same.

Claire snarled at the others "What are you looking at? Do you want to join in the fun?" She pointed her wand at Pansy Parkinson and the other girls who were now trembling. They all shook there heads. "Then scat" said Claire the dry tone scaring them even more, all of them got their slippers out and left the dorm, scared for the faith of Reanna Troy. 

"Now... Reanna, I want you to.." She paused, this always seemed to have an effect on people, she had gotten this idea from professor Snape, seeing how scared of him people were. Reanna just looked at her, her eyebrows sewed together in confusion.

"Get me....." She thought of something powerful she might need.. that's it.. "a basilisk... fang." 

Reanna then talked giddily, like a school girl with a crush. "Which one? My friend Luna has got many bas—" Claire raised her wand and silenced her, "I don't want you to get me a useless fang, I need... a real one.. Down there" She pointed with her wand, "in the Chamber of Secrets." 

Reanna's giddy face turned into confusion then shock, though she quickly recovered, nodded and said hesitantly "Wh—where is it?" 

Claire smirked, Reanna sounded scared. Good. She should be. 

"It's in the unused girls bathroom occupied by that ghost, Myrtle." Said Claire waving her wand gently. The gentle demeanour which was so unlike Claire made Reanna's skin crawl and feel clammy.

"There will be a basin.. there will be snake symbol, hiss something into it... something like.. this" Claire had researched a lot in the forbidden section in the library [Being an animagus really helped], she had learnt Parseltongue, she could talk to snakes, but she couldn't understand what they said back. She quickly made a hissy sound which she knew meant 'Open'. Claire never said anything unless she knew it. Which she always did.

Reanna nodded and wobbled to the exit, when Claire cast a verbal Petrificus Totalus on her, although she whispered. As stated earlier Claire did not know how to do non-verbal defense spells or offence spells but she did know jinxes and healing charms and charms in general. 

"Heh.... I need two fangs, okay?" Says Claire examining her manicured nails.

She unfroze Reanna and transfigured her into Filch and changed her voice. 

"Wait here, understood?"

Reanna nodded looking out the window where you could see what was under the Black lake, since the Slytherin common room was located underground. 

Claire went into the corridor that lead to the Slytherin common room. She quickly transformed into her animagus form. A crow. 

The crow flew through the corridor and swiftly flew into the common room where a shivering Pansy Parkinson was talking to a chubby girl with warm brown eyes and the other girl who had chocolate coloured hair.

Claire's eyes narrowed in at a Green curtain, she quickly de-transformed behind it making no noise. She took her wand out and strode out. The girl with brown hair saw her first, she gave a yelp but clutched her mouth quickly. The other two turned and started trembling again. Claire smirked and said "Get out. I don't care if you get into trouble just get out." The girls nodded and hurried out, Pansy Parkinson being the only one to look Claire in the eye before leaving. Hm..

Claire chuckled to herself, those brats were probably wondering how she got there without them noticing. 

She strode back into the bedroom, Filch was standing there his head tilted looking at the green seaweed which was stuck to the window from the outside.

"Go." said Claire lazily before placing herself on her bed. 

Reanna dreamily skipped out, just as she reached the door way she fell down. 

Claire smirked and said "You're Filch, you have to act like that squib. Go. No skipping. I shall know if you skip."

Reanna got to her feet and nodded, as she walked out. Not completely like Filch but it would do. Claire liked it when people feared her. She liked seeing the look on peoples faces when she did something or said something. She was sure her father would be proud. Claire now thought about everything that had happened. She did tend to overthink things but that was how she was anyway. Why had Alastor Moody drank something from that hip-flask? Why did Pansy Parkinson not reflect the same type of fear that the others did? She decided to think about the first one. Alastor Moody could've been drinking anything, but it seemed like he was looking at her. She should investigate soon. 

But she would see to Pansy Parkinson first. Oh she would. 

She summoned a quill and paper using accio, and she wrote a note to Reanna in her perfect cursive, but Claire found herself making sure her writing looked better than ever. She shook her head, her deep emerald green earrings making a sound. She cracked her knuckles, got her wand out and looked around the room before transforming into a bird again.

It was time for Pansy Parkinson to know her place.

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