One Step

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a/n: welcome to the spooky month😈

 tw for stab wounds/injury

Spooktober 01: Impaled

"Alright, mister bad guy. I'm gonna need you to put the knife down," Spider-Man warns carefully. "Come on. Three for one is only a good deal when you're at RadioShack, or the pizza place on third."

The woman behind the three perpetrators gave a whimper than rang through Peter's ears. She sounds terrified, and the gang of dark-dressed bad guys didn't seem to be in any hurry to let her go in an attempt to fight good ol' Spidey.

"Come on, man!" Spider-Man raises his arms slowly. "You too afraid to take me on? I like to think I'm a very approachable guy!"

"Shut it, Spider-Man!" A man on the left grits out. "You aren't saving this one. She's gone for good."

If he leapt up and put himself in between the bad guys and the lady fast enough, he would be able to get her out of the alleyway safely. He didn't mind being stabbed.

Correction: he didn't mind being stabbed if it stopped someone else getting hurt. It was harder with situations like this, he had to think faster than three people could think, and act faster than three people could act. If it were one person with a knife he'd be able to yank it away with a web, easy takedown. If he tried to do that here it would result in one guy down and the lady with a different knife in her side.

"Didn't your parents ever tell you to treat ladies with respect?" Spidey tilts his head. "This is seriously warranting some time in the corner. All three of you."

"She snitched." A different man, the one in the middle, is the one to declare this, as if it made any difference. "You wouldn't get it, you're a goody-two shoes."

"Please," the woman cries. "I'll do anything. Please don't hurt me."

"Hey, hey, hey!" Spidey waves his hands. "If you're gonna stab someone, stab me. I will be your own personal knife block. Just let the nice lady go, okay? I think that sounds like a great idea."

"We already know you're immune," the middle man speaks again. "Nice try. Besides, you don't owe us anything."

"That's not exactly—" Spidey's head fills with white noise, blaring loudly and making the hairs on his neck stand up. Time slows. The front of his face burns. He jerks forward to pull the knife back from the middle man, but just as he does, the man on the right stabs his knife through the woman's stomach.

The gargled scream she gives is louder than his senses were. Spider-Man gasps sharply and moves quickly, taking the two in the middle down with more force than usual. All three of them end up knocked out on the floor, knives clattering on the pavement.

"Ma'am, you're gonna be okay!" Spider-Man blubbers, putting webbing on her wound to stop the bleeding. The dark smell of iron soaked the air, and it took everything of him not to pull his mask up and throw up.

"You let them stab me!" She chokes, looking down at the wound with wide eyes. "Oh, god, I'm gonna die."

"It's okay! It's okay," Spidey gently eases her to the ground. "Just rest. Karen, call for an ambulance. Quickly. And police."

"Who the hell is Karen?"

"She's an AI in my suit," Spider-Man responds shakily. "I'm really sorry about the wound, ma'am. Just stay with me, okay? I want to get you home."

The woman shakes her head. "I'm just sleepy."

"No! Don't fall asleep." Spidey waves his hand in her face. "Not a good idea. I've done that before, it's not as comforting as you think it is."

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