Sacrifice On A Stick

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a/n: the person reading this knows who they are and the rest of you can thank them for this oneshot. the title to this is so cursed but I couldn't come up with anything else 

⚠️Body horror/Gore/Angst⚠️

Spooktober 07: Sacrifice

Another blast of energy hits Tony square on, and the chest plate of his suit cracks further. He stumbles backwards. So much for Mark 47 being the newest and coolest upgrade. "Kid, this mission is over for you. Here me? Go home."

"Are you kidding me? I'm not just gonna leave you!"

"I'm an adult, I can handle myself," Tony grits out over the intercom. Peter was going to get himself killed if he didn't get out as soon as possible. The threat they were facing wasn't as small as Tony originally expected, and it's his responsibility to get Peter out of dangerous scenarios safely. Now the kid just actually had to listen to him.

The robot they were facing, some Ultron-lookalike, threw another punch that cracked open Tony's helmet. Tony spit the blood that filled his mouth out onto the pavement. "You're gonna regret that, iron giant."

Peter swung around and tried webbing up the robot's legs, but the webbing melted off the sides. "What the— Mr. Stark, I can't even touch this guy! What am I supposed to do?"

"Go HOME," Tony stresses, firing repulsor beams at the robot and swerving out of the way of flying rubble being tossed at him. "It's targeting me, Pete. Not you. Now scram, because I won't ask again."

"Good!" Peter calls out. He threw a chunk of cement at the robot's head, and made a sound of annoyance when it didn't even make a dent. "It was getting repetitive! Already told you I'm not going anywhere."

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., be a dear and shut down Peter's suit," Tony commands. A voice doesn't answer back to him, and swears up a storm that even Peter seems impressed by. "You are so lucky robocop broke my helmet, kid, or I swear to—"

Peter gasps sharply and leaps in front of him, just as an iron bar is hurtled at his broken faceplate.

Blood splatters against Tony's face. When he opens his eyes, Peter is on the ground in front of him.

He's tearing screams from his throat, looking down at his lower ribs where the iron bar had gone through and through. Blood is gushing from his side and making a puddle below him.

Tony chokes on something, whether it be a gasp or a scream or a sob, and drops down to the ground. "Peter! Kid, look at me. Look at me, you're gonna be fine, hold on, hold on, damn it!"

Peter heaving breaths so quickly that the lenses on his mask are flickering, and fabric near his mouth is moving frantically. Tony reaches up to shove the mask off his face, but nearly hurls when he sees how pale the kid is already. His lips are blue, and his eyes— he looks terrified.

"It's okay," Tony breathes. "It's okay. Stay calm. F.R.I.D.A.Y., get me some help here! NOW."

An answer doesn't show up, and Tony widens his eyes as it settles in what's going on. He reaches for the Spider-Man mask and yanks it on his own face. "Karen, I need you to call an emergency ambulance. Send police. Send Avengers. Send everyone. This is a blaring code red."

"Sir," Karen says quickly. "You need to stop blood loss. Peter is dangerously close to dying."

"What do I do?" Tony asks, pushing the kid's sweaty curls from his face. Peter was shivering. "C'mon, kiddo, just breathe, please. Please please please."

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