Star Wars and Sunday Mornings

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a/n: this was a whole chapter dedicated to making both of them NERDS thank you that will be all

It was about 11:00 AM. Tony had just woke up, pulling himself off his expensive mattress and letting the ache settle in his old muscles with a groan. With a yawn, he dragged out of the room and went to the elevator. The home floor had the best coffee maker in its kitchen; something that this morning desperately called for.

He scratched at his beard as the elevator carried downwards, then stepped out once the doors opened. Maybe he'll be fancy about it and use the espresso maker that Pep's aunt in-law gave them at the wedding.

It was a nice spring morning.

Sunlight was coming in through the several windows and made eyes bright. Fresh cool air with no conditioning required, and a strange sense of peace in every square inch of the room. It was gentle—Domestic, even.

After breakfast (coffee), whims could lead him down to the lab again, and—

Tony narrowed his eyes. He could hear something, just down the hall in the living room. Was Pepper home? She hadn't called him. He put the coffee maker on and trailed down the hallway to investigate the sound.

Peter sat on the couch in pyjamas, stuffing spoonfuls of fruit loops into his mouth, and watching the Mandalorian on the big television. It wasn't even on the list of things Tony expected to see.

"Um." Tony crossed his arms. "Have you resorted to breaking and entering?"

Peter didn't even look at him, his eyes glued to the screen as he continued to shovel the cereal. "I didn't break and enter! F.R.I.D.A.Y. let me in."

"Don't you have school?"

"No, Mr. Stark. It's a Sunday."

Well that was his last guess. Tony blinked. "Oh. Okay, then. Does May know you're here?"


"Carry on, then. I guess." Tony made a face and then disappeared back into the kitchen for his coffee. Maybe the caffeine would make some sense out of Peter's sudden change of heart regarding Tony as an authority figure that's like, godlike, and stuff.

What weird kind of squirmy kid just shows up at your house, using your television and eating your food? Oh, that's right. Your kids. Tony Stark forgot that he was apparently on a permanent babysitting duty now, and the best part was that it surprised him at any given point with a kick to the nose and a grocery bill.

He selected a classy science pun mug and filled it with coffee before walking back to the living room. He took a seat next to Peter with a heavy, tired sigh.

"I can't believe they mentioned Life Day," Peter spoke up with giddy amusement. "As Kashyyyk lore goes, Wookiee have some of the best traditions and Life Day is definitely one of them, so it's so cool that they—"

"No, what's actually unbelievable is that they mentioned it after the tragedy. Not of Darth Plagueis the Wise, but The Star Wars Holiday Special," Tony listed offhandedly, then sipped from his coffee.

Peter looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Tony said, narrowing his eyes. "You better not make me feel old, Parker. This stuff isn't even from your generation."

"That's not true!" Peter argued. "I watched the prequels in theatres."

"Say that again, but slower."

Peter rolled his eyes. "C'mon! I bet I could beat you in a Star Wars trivia battle."

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