Speaking Your Mind: A Guide By T.S

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Spooktober 17: Mind-Reading

"What are those?" Peter asked, looking over to the boxes stacked in the corner of the lab.

"Oh, those?" Tony gave him a shrug. "SHIELD dropped off some various... something. I don't actually know what it is, they didn't bother leaving a note. Or voicemail."

Peter's interest piqued. He walked over to the boxes, opening the first one and peeking inside. "It looks like some kinda headset. Why would SHIELD give you tech?"

"Beats me." Tony walked over and took the headset out of the box, turning it over in his hands. He squinted. "This is a rather clunky design. Not exactly something I would ever make. I could have done this a thousand times better. Fri, what am I looking at?"

"There isn't any technology matching it in my databases, boss."

Peter looked up. "Can I put it on?"

Tony turned it over again. "Well... It doesn't look like a weapon. I don't know why SHIELD would give me anything dangerous without a note. Sure, what the hell. For science."

He handed the headset over and Peter grinned with giddy excitement. He pulled the tech over his face, and immediately it came to life, glowing a faint blue to indicate it was on and working.

"Okay, now," Tony turned to him and tilted his head to the side. "If you start feeling weird. Like, physically feeling ill, or emotionally like you wanna start breaking stuff or go crazy and kill me, take the thing off. We don't want to reenact any mediocre movie plots."

"I'm not really... seeing any difference," Peter frowned. "Maybe they're just cool glasses? Do I at least look cool?"

Tony smiled in amusement, the corners of his eyes crinkling. You look like me. "Yeah, kid. Sure, real cool."

"Yeah. Just like you." Peter snorted and sat in the nearest chair, moving back and forth on the floor. "Anyways. What are we working on today?"

Tony picked up a wrench and twirled it in his hands, moving his head in a so-so motion. "Haven't really decided. What'd you bring for me?"

"Oh!" Peter got up from his chair and went to the backpack he had left at the bottom of the stairs. "I had some ideas for a new suit. Or like, upgrades to the original you made."

"Bring it on. You gonna wear those dorky glasses the whole time you're here?"

"They're cool," Peter shrugged. He dug around in the bag for some crumpled up notebook papers with scribbles on them. He laid them out on the table in front of the two of them. "So, I made some tweaks to the web formula. I thought it would be beneficial to have like... you know, webs that would still work in certain elements. What if I'm in a house fire or something? I don't want the webs to burn up."

"Or the suit. Don't want Spidey extra crispy," Tony frowned. I should have thought of that already. Especially after Pepper. "What's your web formula made of right now? Run the recipe by me again."

"Oh, uh. Salicylic acid, carbon tetrachloride, ethyl acetate, methanol, sodium—"

"Sodium tetraborate," Tony nodded. "Yeah, yeah. I remember now. Okay. Um... Yeah. We can make that work for sure."

Peter smiled. "Cool."

Freakin' genius. Off the charts, this kid. "Well? What are you standing around for, you want an invitation? Go get the stuff for it, kid."

Peter made a face, his cheeks going pink. "Thank you...?"

Why does he look embarrassed? What did I say? Tony stared at him with furrowed eyebrows. "You're... What are you thanking me for?"

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