Bedtime Stories

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⚠️tw: usage of pain meds⚠️

Peter had gotten hit hard, going down like a bowling pin. Obviously, the mission sat at a standstill for Tony when it happened, because the kid was his responsibility and May was scarier than the new minor-league baddie on New York's streets this week.

"How're you feeling?" Tony asked the kid, as the two of them sat in a jet on the way back to the Avengers Compound. The armor dissolved from his body, leaving him in just the greasy mechanic get-up that he left in.

Peter didn't answer, instead he swayed away from Tony and nearly fell off his seat in the process. Tony instinctively lunged, and steadied him at his side. He scoffed lightly. "Geez, kid. Not that great, then?"

Peter groaned in pain. "This sucks."

"Just hang in there," Tony said, patting him on the back. When Peter slumped forward again, Tony once again jolted forward to catch him.

"Just—" Tony slung an arm around his shoulders to prevent him from falling again. "I'm just gonna keep you still, alright?"

Peter didn't argue, but nodded, keeping his arms strictly around his middle in a tight self-protective hug. Tony didn't want to imagine the kind of bruising he might have, the possible broken ribs, mucked up organs.

Tony's face screwed up, features pinched as he saw the eyes of Peter's mask narrow with obvious pain. He couldn't do anything. That was the most frustrating part about it. The waiting.

His job extended for everything.

The kid needs training? Tony will train him. He'll make a protocol.

The kid needs extra protection from bad guys? The weather? Himself? Tony will spend hours of sleep instead thinking of everything. All the gidgets and gazmos, extra metal arms, a parachute, a heater, a tracker, a suit cam, an instant kill mode, drone, an AI—

In the battles, Tony will be there at his side making sure that if ALL ELSE FAILS, Peter goes home safe, with hopefully no injury, not a scratch, not even a misplaced hair on his head.

But sometimes, all else fails, and then some. It still hurts that Tony can't and won't ever be able to think of everything to protect this goofy goody-two-shoes, especially when this usually babbling bubbly teen is in obvious pain, quiet and hurting.

"The medical team is at the Compound, ready to administer pain medication upon landing," F.R.I.D.A.Y. spoke up on the speakers of the plane. "Dr. Cho is there upon your request."

"Didn't know FRI was on the plane," Peter mumbled.

"Yeah," Tony said bluntly. "She's everywhere. Hey, ETA?"

"Two minutes," F.R.I.D.A.Y answered.

"Thanks, honey." Tony huffed and leaned his head back. "Peter, don't fall asleep."

"'I'm not sleepy," Peter argued, having the audacity to lie right to his face. He swayed again. "And I don't have a concussion."

"I'll believe it when I hear it."

"It's true. Karen told me so. And you made Karen. So technically you told me so."

"That's not how that works, smartass. Just don't fall asleep yet, okay? For my sake." Tony rolled his eyes. "I'm looking after you, in case you forgot. We're not taking chances."

"Is that an official Avengers lesson?" Peter asked, and Tony could hear the sarcasm in his voice.

"Yeah. You better be taking notes," Tony shot back. "Cap once said to walk it off if you get shot. This ain't an easy gig, Parker. You don't get breaks."

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