[Firework Emoji]

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a/n: if you get this one. u get this one

[spider-king: heyyy]

[em jay: hey 🥰 everything alright?]

[spider-king: yeah totally]

[spider-king: super random question though what are you doing rn]

[em jay: i'm at the animal shelter in brooklyn. dogs and cats don't really like fireworks so i like to go and hang out with them]

[spider-king: awww that's so sweet]

[em jay: whatever lol what about you]

[spider-king: oh, nothing! just hanging. pun intended]

May frowned up at him. "What did MJ say, honey?"

"She's busy," Peter mumbled. A cacophonous boom slammed through the air— Peter winced and the phone slipped from his hands onto the table. He groaned. "This sucks."

"What about Ned? I'm sure he'd be willing to come over and be there for moral support," May said lightly, putting her hand out comfortingly on the table in front of him. (She doesn't touch him; just in case.)

"He's on a family trip." Peter slumped his head down. Flinched as a series of shrieking explosions ran across the sky. "In the Philippines for three more days. Even if I called him, he's busy doing vacation stuff with his cousins."

May hummed for a moment.

Another deafening boom. Followed by another, and two more after that, all in quick succession. Peter jumped at each one, nearly leaping out of his skin as the noise reverberated around his eardrums and right at the base of his skull. There was a pressure behind his eyes that he knew was about to get so much worse in the oncoming hours.

"I can't believe I never noticed this for the last few years," May sighed, furrowing her eyebrows tightly. She ducked around the kitchen, gathering her things. "I wish you would have told me, Peter. I would have stayed home with you."

"You have work," Peter insisted, despite the childish tug in his chest that wanted the miserable company. He pushed it away and made his voice stronger. "Just like you do tonight. And it's important work, so don't stay home for me. Go, I'll be okay."

May kissed him on the forehead hesitantly. The slight touch burned, but it wasn't bad enough yet where Peter couldn't stand it. He relished in the physical affection while he still could.

A pause. Then...

"Oh! What about Tony?" May asked. "Hm? I'm sure he could come over."

"Yeah," Peter grimaced. "Sure, May. He'll just fly over from the middle of nowhere where he lives now, just because I told him I got a tiny headache from a bunch of explosions they're setting up in every single park in a full-country-radius."

"Okay, smartass," May scoffed quietly. She gently ran a soothing hand through his curls. "You know he said you can call him anytime, for anything, and he'll be there no matter what. Just give him a text, preferably before your headache gets worse. Please, so I won't feel horrible about going to work tonight."

That was the kicker. Peter sighed and gave in with a nod.

"Thank you." May gave him another kiss to the forehead.

Peter followed her footsteps all the way to the front door, shut his eyes tightly when it creaked open and then shut closed. He heard the sound of her keys jingling to lock it, and then let the rest of the noise fade away into the background.

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