Chapter 9: Less Alone

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"Where have you guys been!"

Their short haired camp teacher yelled at the two young girls who had came back to the camp after a long night at the village. The time was long forgotten as they talked away the hours while watching the village from the hill.

A marshmallow bag was held tightly in Lisa's hand as they stood outside the cabins, getting scolded by a furious teacher. Both seemed to have other things in their mind as the yelling words from the man were blocked out.

"Chill, we still got the marshmallows"

Lisa told, sighing at the constant yelling giving her a headache at the middle of the night. The temper seemed to only grow as his face turned a darker shade of red from the comment leaving the students mouth.

Jennie couldn't help but let out a silent chuckle from the way Lisa's way of calming him down made the teacher only more annoyed at the two girls before him.

He took a hold of his anger as he sighed to calm himself down. His hand snatched the cold marshmallow bag from the others hand with his eyebrows still furrowed before he pointed his trembling finger to the cabin.

The tired girls got the signal from their teacher as they rushed back inside the cabin through the night, only having the flames as a source of light.

Once they stepped inside with their trembling cold bodies they were met with the lamp turned on and Jisoo with a to similar look as the teacher they had just ran away from. She was sitten down at the couch in the living room, her legs crossed as her eyes darted up when she saw the two rush inside through the door.

"I'm going, good luck"

Lisa said when she caught sight of the glare being sent Jennie's way from Jisoo. She left a scared Brown hair by herself with her nightmare just before her as she went to sleep peacefully under the sheets.

".. Hey unni-"

"Don't 'hey' me!, where the fuck have you been?"

Jisoo yelled at the poor girl, who's eyes were to scared to look the other in the eyes. She gulped nervously as she slowly tried to take a few steps towards the angry girl.

Once she looked up she saw Jisoo herself standing up from the seat she had been sitting on for a long time. She could sense the way the other tried to calm herself down by the way she constantly closed her blood shot eyes.

Once she managed to control the anger she had in herself, she took a step towards Jennie before her arms went to wrap themselves around the other. She tightened her grip instantly, before she sighed revieled into the Brown haired shoulder.

"You scared the shit out of me"

She said with a tremble in her word. Jennie chuckled as she returned the hug before holding into the others shoulder and gently pulled away to look at the tired girl with concern filling her eyes.

"I'm sorry unnie, I forgot the time I swear. I won't do it again, I'm sorry"

Sh told with guilt in her voice, she knew she had worried the latter. She hadn't came home for hours and didn't tell anyone where she was. Jisoo's thought were filled with things that could have happened to her friend.

A feeling that her lifeless body had passed out in the woods was haunting her.


The night was young as they were all called by the camp leader, a new activity to be taken place at this hour. They were all tired, bags visible under the eyes of the students as they slowly had taken their steps towards the usual place they gather around.

Their eyes were fighting back the tiredness as they waited in a circle around the teacher for the new activity to be announced. All wondering what they were about to do this late when the sun was no where to be seen as the moon flashed over their tired eyes.

"I know you are all tired, but now it's time to get you to wake up with this activity we have planned."

He started, eyes darting over the sleepy students as he had a bright smile on his face. They looked confused at him, tilting their head to the side as they waited for his last words to be said.

Jennie laid her head on Jisoo's comforting shoulder, waiting for the slumber to just drown her. Jisoo had told her to keep her eyes open to not be scolded by the surprisingly scary teacher before them.

"You guys will go out in the woods with no source of light, two of you guys will be the ghosts. If you get caught by one of the ghosts you lose the game, last one standing wins."

He continued telling about the activity. Gasping voices could be heard in the circle as they had an uneasy felling deep inside but another feeling felt like this was something fun to do with the others.

Jennie laughed at the way Jisoo shivered from the announcement from the teacher. Jimim started to complain words here and there about his scared friends Jisoo and Yoongi.

Before he could continue to complain, the teacher shushed the students as he put down his blue colored notebook to pick up his whistle before he hugged it between his lips. The sound leaving the bright red object made the students start rushing their body's towards the woods with the darkness behind them.

"It's so dark- Jisoo?"

Jennie's heart beat rose as she waddled her arms in the pitch black air, trying to get a hold of any body part of her friends. She couldn't find anyone to hold on to and the only thing she saw was the dark covering her eyes as the panic struck her heart.

She breathed out slowly, trying to calm herself down from the panic she had built up from not finding her friends. Reminding herself that she is not scared of something like the pitch black darkness as she calmed her heart rate down.

The Brown haired stumbled towards the woods, getting deeper inside as she had her arms reached out to feel if there's something in the way to block her path. Her steps were slow as she reached her cold arms to hold on to a tree.

The tree went further away from her as she stumbled on her steps when her body had bumped into something moving in the dark, her head colladed with something stone hard, making a hiss come out from her lips as she clutched the side of her head tightly.

"W-who's there?"


"What the fuck? Jennie?"


They both told after hearing the voice of the other. It was pitch dark as the only thing they could recognize of the other was the voice and their stone cold breathing leaving their mouths.

Both had stopped beside a tree, hands holding into it tightly so that they wouldn't lose each other in the darkness surrounding their bodies. Jennie didn't know why the heart of her had started to relax into the precense of the other, the comforting feeling of the others voice being found in the blackness.

"This game is bullshit, what kind of stupid person thought of this"

Lisa muttered, irritated from the way she couldn't see a thing in the land of trees. It was impossible to move without having their hands right in front of their bodies, trying to stop whatever was in their way.

Jennie chuckled as she agreed to the other, having a small smile forming on her face as she stood against the tree. Relieved from the way the other was standing against the same tree as well. Less alone.

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