Chapter 22: Cigarettes

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It was past midnight, the sun long gone and the load music in the cabin quiet as the wasted students had fallen asleep all around the space, the air falling silent as Lisa and Jennie was still awake after the hours kept running.

They had been staring at each other for a while now while laying in the bed over the covers. Lisa had slowly pulled her hand out from beside her to softly run it against the others cheeks as she kept her fond eyes on her.

"Jennie" She whispered softly in the night, the silent in the room wanting them not to ruin it.

"Yeah" Jennie answered as quiet, a tired voice leaving her as she leaned against the tender hand of Lisa's against her cheek.

It had slowly fell silent after she answered, her fingers leaving her cheeks to end on her lips. She slowly runned her fingers along it before she whispered.

"I love you"

The Dark haired said, her voice reaching the others ears louder than it was said. She couldn't help that the words leaving had struck her heart to fast and hard that a tear had runned down Jennie's eyes.

slowly running down to the sheets as her shaky hand took a hold of the others warm one who was against her lips.

"Why are you crying Jen, don't cry..."

Lisa gently said as she wiped away the others lonely tears from her face before pulling the other towards her arms, burying her in her arms as she held on to the crying girl.

"Because I love you, I love you so much. I'm so scared Liz..."

Jennie kept saying, the words leaving her broken sob breaking Lisa's heart when she heard them.

"I'm so scared, I will never be able to be with you for long"

The brown haired sobbed into the others shoulder, the broken cries leaving her mouth as she held tightly into the others shirt.

Lisa took a hold of her face filled with tears as she kissed all the others tears away softly, determine to take them all away.

"I'm never going to let you go Jennie, you will be with me forever"

She said, not being able to hold her own tears leaving her eyes at the thought of the other. She pulled her towards her body once again, holding her tighter as she left small comforting kisses on the others hair.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have started loving you like this"

Jennie said, tears running down her face as she nuzzled her face in the others shoulder.

"I would regret everything but this Jen, I love you more than anything"

"Even more than your cigarette?"

Jennie managed to joke even with the tears running down her face as she let out a chuckle, her face still nuzzled in the others wet shoulder.

Lisa chuckled at the others way of making a joke.

"That's something we can't compare, cigarettes for sure"

Lisa told back before she held the other closer to her if it even was possible. She wanted to be able to hold her until she wouldn't be able to let her go from her arms.

Both wanting to stay like this forever, wishing to forget about other things that kept bothering their minds and just stay in the warmth of each other.

Lisa softly pulled the others head away from her shoulder as she instead carresed her hands on her now warm face from the tears. She placed an pleasing kiss on the others lips.

Lasting it a while longer to be able to let her feel her, understand what she was trying to tell, to let her know the love she was feeling.

Jennie gave a warm smile at her, her eyes red as she took her own fingers to wipe the tears from Lisa's cheeks before leaning in to kiss the dark haired lips once again.

"Of course I love you more than cigarretes baby"

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