Chapter 12: Sorry

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Throwing the now familiar plastic bag in the trash bin she finished the cleaning duty. A tired sigh left her dry pale lips as she felt herself hold into the trash bin for a second as a pain struck her head. She straightened her back when the name of her was called from the voice of the other.

"Jen, are you done?"

Jisoo said as she sprinted closer to the other, Jimin trailing slowly behind as he let a yawn leave his mouth. Jennie smiled tiredly as she nodded slowly, now having her whole body straightened.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Jisoo told, holding into the Brown haired shoulder gently to hold her in place. Her hazel eyes had changed to concerning one's as she looked the latter in the eyes, making sure the other was fine.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Just tired from working that's all"

Jennie answered giving the other a reassuring beam as Jisoo furrowed her eyebrows at the answer, a small line showing on her forhead. She continued to stare at Jennie for a second before sighing realived, patting the others back as he started to drag his friends back inside the cabin

He had a thought deep down in his head that wouldn't stop him from thinking and worrying about things he wish he didn't hold in his mind. He hoped that he could just for a second, for Taehyungs sake stop thinking about the things that reminded him of things that were meant to be forgotten at the moment

He turned to glance at Taehyung, flashing him his smile eyes which was returned immediately by the other. His smile fell from his features once he had turned back around, eyes locked on the ground once again.

Sometimes he can't accept the word taehyung gave him back then, and the way a person like the latter still was standing by his side like no other stood

The past can't be forgotten when it's himself who keeps reminding of it.


"Jennie, wake up"

Jimin told, shaking the sleeping girls shoulder who was buried in a white blanket on the bed softly. Her skin was pale as her eyes were squeezed tighter the more the other shaked the girl awake.

Jimin cinuntued to wake her up, sitting beside the others torso as she stared at the other until Jennie's eyes finally were opening slowly, her alluring brown eyes coming into view.

Her eyes were barely open as she gazed over Jimin for a second before slowly getting herself up from under the silky white blanket to sit on the bed, hands behind her back to support her weight.

"Are you okay? You still look pale after yesterday"

Jimin worriedly told, glancing at the others skin as she furrowed her dark eyebrows into a line. Jennie let out a quiet chuckle as she looked at Jimin before letting her legs slowly stand on the cold floor to get up from her warm bed.

"I'm alright, don't worry I'm just morning tired"

Jennie reassured him with a smile as she stood up from the bed leaving Jimin staring a second more at the Brown haired to make sure she was fine, just as she had told him. He was cut from his concerned thought when Jisoo walked out from the bathroom, grinning when she saw Jennie was finally awake and out of bed so that they could go and eat breakfast.

She gave the brown haired a bright red towel and told her to hurry up with washing up so that they could go eat the tempting breakfast, as she had slept with an empty stomach since she had worried all night about Jennie.

Once the brown haired had gotten out of the bathroom, with her slightly wet brown locks laying over her forhead they grabbed her hand to pull her with them outside the messy room, hurrying out of the cabin to run into the Cafeteria as they were already late.

Jennie followed behind, feeling herself holding tighter into Jisoo's hand with every step as she felt herself almost falling over on the way.

"Thank God there's a seat left, let's go"

Yoongi said as he started walking towards the buffé, the sound of the students chatters were filling the big space as they took their plates to fill them with breakfast.

Jennie had a strange feeling deep down in stomach, not feeling like she had the appetite to take a bite from any of the food before her as she looked down on her plate, feeling it moving slightly over her hands.

She held into the table where the food was standing on, hand curling into the sides of it's hard end as her hand tightened it's grip to steady herself against it. Her eyes were gazing at her feet, her eyes shutting themselves as they reopened. The chatting of the students were slowly leaving her ears, moving with the air as her ears were blocking the sound.

The air around her seemed to get hotter with every second, feeling herself fade as her vision got blurry. A struck of pain hit the back of Jennie's head along with her neck as she started to hang her head, clutching tighter into the table.

She felt like throwing up at the floor, feeling herself blur out as the darkness took over her brown eyes, closing them. The grip around the table loosened, the control of her body got weaker as she fell to the half floor after a chattering of a plate was heard through the cafeteria.

The voice of someone calling her name was the only thing heard afterwards.

Leaving the other sleeping with the sound of a person's voice



Her closed brown eyes opened, holding the tiredness trapped in them as she stared into the blurred ceiling before her exhausted eyes. She didn't dare to look to her side, not wanting to see the stares again, wishing she would have the darkness blurring her a second longer.

She knew what had happened, once again. The warmness under her body reminded shim of the countless other times she had felt that feeling. The stares directed towards her side was nothing but familiar to her eyes.

But no matter what she would never get used to the feeling of humiliation, a shame deep down inside of her that won't stop fighting it's way back in her head.

Weather it was day or night she didn't know. Whether she was still here or not she didn't want to know. She wanted to stay there, staring towards nothing until they left her side, one by one walking outside the door trapping them with her.

Leaving her to stay by herself in the comfortable bed, finally being able to be free from the sight of this side of her. A bothersome thing who was not supposed to be a part of them, for no one. Maybe they would.

A tear had slipped down her cold cheek, making her pillow below her wet as she dragged her weak arms upwards, holding it straight over her eyes towards the ceiling. She focused on her slender fingers, blurring the world behind her, making them dissapear from her the view. Of her sight.

"Jennie, it's alright now, it's not your fault"

Jisoo's voice reached her ears, the hand of her trembling in the air as she continued to hear the reassuring words of her friend. Words she didn't manage to understand, not when her friend was sat beside her this whole time, these long hours beside her.

This whole time...

"I'm sorry unnie"

She let out of her raspy voice, hand shaking as a tear slipped down her cheek once again, not being able to hide them away behind closed bars anymore.

Her hand in the air was now slowly coming down to cover her eyes with her forearm, afraid of showing herself like this again. Memories woken by the sound of her own sobs leaving her mouth, unwillingly letting them out infront of Jisoo.

Her voice barely heard as she continues to repeat the same words over again the more Jisoo tried to get a hold of her shaking hands, holding it in her to calm the other down.

The time went on with their hands in one another as the sobs had become quiet as the only thing heard was the chatting outside their room and the heavy breathes of the two.

Jennies eyes averted from the ceiling to turn to look at her friend, finding her sleeping peacefully with her head on their warm hands as quiet snores left her mouth. The brown haired smiled warm heartedly before slowly letting herself get up from the bed.

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