Chapter 17: Bubs

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"What are you waiting for Chae, kiss your woman"

Bambam said as he laughed, waiting for the two to kiss. Rosé sighed before turning her head to the side facing towards the girl, since Jisoo was sitting beside her.

She was about to lean in but was stopped when the eyes of Jisoo was squeezed shut in fear. She tilted her head to leave a soft peck on the others cheek instead when seeing the distress in her face.

This left Lisa bumping her shoulder calling her a crowd as Rosé got back to her seat, slapping away the others hand.

"your turn, chu"

Bambam told Jisoo who was in shock as she was distracted by the action that just had happened.

She spunned the bottle nervously as they all were back to staring at it. It stopped slowly and the person it pointed at was the sleepy brown haired.

The room got quiet as the atmosphere changed to an awkward silence between the teens. Jenni could feel the piercing gaze of Lisa digging into the side of her head.

"This game is lame, we should stop"

"Don't ruin the fun Manoban"

Bambam told back as Lisa looked daggers into him. Jisoo and Jennie had still not made a move as the uncomfortablness hit the brown haired. She fidgeted with her fingers before opening her mouth.

"I- I'll pass"

She stuttered out before grabbing a hold of the bottle of alchoal infront of her, the rule is to drink it if you pass the dare

She took it up to her lips, taking a sip before she heard the muttering of "fuck it" from Lisa before she pulled the bottle away from Jennie's lips, attaching it to her own before leaning her head back and drinking the whole bottle full.


The bottles were rolled out on the floor, the smell of alchoal filling their nose of the wasted sleeping teens scattered around the room.

The silence were filling the room as the only sound being heard was the ticking clock standing at 5 o'clock in the morning and the birds chirping outside to the sunrise.

Jennie nuzzled herself closer to the bed only to realize the bed wasn't so soft as it used to be the past couple weeks she had been sleeping on it.

Her squeezed eyes slowly opened as the struck of pain hit her head, making her hand clutching her head in a tight grip as she kept her eyes closed in pain.

She felt another hand gently lay itself over her own where she was holding her head.

"You shouldn't have drank stupid, does it hurt?"

The hourse morning voice of Lisa made Jennie startled as she looked up only to realize the two were sleeping on the cold hard floor next to each other.

She turned her gaze to look around the small space. The sight of Jisoo sleeping against the wall with her head against the wall and the others all on top of each other in a strangely position while still sleeping peacefully, made her realize they were all wasted.

They had all seemed to be drinking last night all the bottles not realizing the circumstances of it afterwards. She barely remember drinking herself that's why the pain in her head made her know otherwise.

"Are you okay?"

"I asked you first Jennie"

Lisa said before she chuckled, that came out hourse. Jennie noticed the closeness between the two of them as she looked down, getting slightly flustered from the others warmth so close.

The warmth only got nearer as she felt the gentle finger of the other under her chin to lift her head up. Once the brown haired was once again staring at the others eyes Lisa leaned her face closer to Jennie.

She kept staring at her while leaning in, her sharp gaze on the others widened eyes.

Before she could go any further Jennie covered her own face with her two hands, hiding it behind her fingers. The sudden action made Lisa grab a hold of the others small hands, trying to get it away from the latter's face.

"Hey, Jen come on take your hands off your face"

She told, but the other still refused to let go of her face as she turned her head away from Lisa's hand as she kept shaking her head as a 'no' for the other to see.

"Fine, Whatever"

The dark haired muttered, annoyed as she let go of the other before turning her body away from the brown haired. The words was not unheard by Jennie as she slowly pulled away her hands from her face when she heard how the other reacted.

A guilty feeling washing over her


Jennie said softly, afraid to get the other more mad than she already sounded to be. When the other didn't respond the feeling of pain and guilt slowly struck her. She gently tried sitting up as she looked over Lisa's body, trying to see her face.

"Lisa? I'm sorry, I was just embarrassed. I'm really sorry, please don't be mad at me"

Jennie told with guilt filling her voice showing she was truly sorry. Her apology was still not answered as the dark haired kept silent. Jennie stayed silent for herself a while, head hung low as the minutes went by.

Jennie leaned forward when there was still no respond, holding her hands under her upper body to support her as she leaned over the others body to gently and slowly leave a quick peck on the others cheek.

She got more than startled when she was suddenly grabbed by the wrist and pulled over into the floor, the weight of Lisa over her as she felt the familiar warmth of Lisa's lips against her own.

She slowly closed her eyes as she fell along to the kiss. The hands of Lisa slowly coming up to hold her face in her as she carrased her - thumb against the others red warm dumpling cheeks.

They had slowly pulled away from each other, already missing the soft touch of each other against one another.

"Who said I was mad at you bubs?"

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