Chapter Nine: Trust

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Ok sorry about all the confusion, but Brook wasn't completely naked. She had her jeans on (cuz Drake hadn't taken them all the way off) and she had a bra in case you were freaking out cuz he carried her out, she was NOT, I repeat, NOT, naked.

Well is chappie 9!! Sorry it took so long, been busy with tests and sports!! Well I hope this chappie makes up for it!

Thanks my monkey buddies!!! XD


Chapter 9: Truth

Brooklyn's POV

Opening my heavy eyelids, I drowsily lifted up my hands to rub my aching temples. I had a massive headache. Where the heck am I anyway? The last thing I could remember was going to get ice cream with Drake and staining my shirt. After that, nothing.

After a while, I figured out that I was in my room. The gallery of posters of Chris Brown and Cali Swag District mounted on the walls gave it away. From behind me, I felt a slight movement. Startled, I turned around and came face to face with Remy, who was asleep. What the hell was he doing in my room?

Suddenly, all the memories of the event that had taken place only hours before flooded me like a tsunami. I had blacked out and the last thing I recalled before my eyelids melded together was Drake's face with the word betrayal sketched all over it.


I was jostled awake by strong hands gripping my body softly. Shivering, I reluctantly opened my eyes and jumped upwards from my bed, pulling the covers off of my body leaving it exposed. My hair and jeans clung tightly to my body and I frowned, realizing that I was soaking wet. Teeth chattering, I glanced up and saw Remy standing over me with a bucket of water in his hands.

My cheeks warmed when I realized that I was nearly half naked. Pulling the covers back over me, I wrapped them tight around my body, still trembling. Quickly putting two and two together, I glared up at Remy, shoulders quaking.

"W-w-what the h-h-heck m-monkey? Wh-why d-d-did y-you du-dump water on m-me?"

He offered a crooked grin, "You wouldn't wake up."

Glaring harder, I wrapped the covers even tighter around my body, trying to collect heat. "I'm pr-pr-pretty s-s-sure th-that th-there are o-o-other w-ways to wa-wake someone up th-that do-don't include fre-fre-freezing the-them to de-death."

"I tried, but you wouldn't wake up," his smile faltered, "you were also crying and the water helped to wash the tears away."

Blushing, I pulled the covers over my face so that he couldn't see my red cheeks.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, I poked my head out of the covers. Randomly, I let out a chorus of sneezes. Remy's face frosted over with worry.

"Shit! I'm so sorry! I forgot you were soaking wet!"

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