Chapter Fourteen: Big Game

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Chapter Fourteen: Big Game


Collecting my textbooks out of my locker, I slung my bag on my shoulder and slammed the locker door shut. Smiling to myself I turned towards the halls and began walking to homeroom. Halfway towards homeroom, I caught sight of Remy. Grinning, I waved across the hallway trying to get his attention. When he turned to face me, he gave me a brief glance then continued walking.
With my hand still up in the air, I frowned. What the heck? What was that? Choosing to ignore it, I proceeded down the halls towards homeroom.
Once I got there, I found my regular seat and sat down. Placing my elbows on my desk, I rested my head in my hands and began to think. Why did he ignore me? I know I shouldn't be so worried about it, but I can't help it. Did something happen? Did I do something to upset him? Maybe he thought I was someone else.
My thoughts were quickly interrupted by a hand slamming onto my desk. Trailing my eyes up the arm, I looked up into the face of Eric. Smiling up at him, I shifted in my desk to face him.
"Hey Eric."
"Hey Brooklyn, how's it going?"
"Pretty good, you?"
"Yea, I'm fine."
We stood there just smiling stupidly at each other until Eric cleared his throat.
"Well, anyway, can I ask you something?"
"Yea sure," I nodded.
"Well there's a basketball game that were having tonight to make it to the play-offs and I was wondering if you would want to come."
"Wait, are you asking me out on another date?" I asked while wiggling my  perfectly plucked eyebrows.
"No, no, no," I noticed his voice faltered when he said that, "I just wanted you to come watch as a friend."
I smiled when I noticed a blush coming on to his face. Standing up, I ruffled his hair and grinned playfully. "You're cute Eric," his blush deepened, "I was just joking with you. Sure I'll come."
"Thanks," he said while brushing my hand away.
"Oh and Eric, one more thing."
He gave me a confused stare.
"Are you any good?"
"Uh-yea, why?"
"Well I don't want to waste my time watching a bad game now do I?"
He smirked and turned around to leave. Before he left to his desk, he turned around and smiled nervously, "Oh and Brooklyn, there's a party after the game. I was hoping you would come with me? As friends of course."
He avoided my gaze, embarrassed and a grin crawled onto my face. "I know I've already said this but, Eric? You're just too cute."
He blushed and hesitantly looked straight into my eyes, "Well, are you coming or..?"
I smiled mischievously at him, "Let's make a deal. If you guys win, I'll come. If you don't win, well let's just say you'll be missing this chunk of awesome." I said while gesturing down at myself.
Eric snorted and laughed out loud. "I'm not really sure about the whole 'chunk of awesome' thing, but you got yourself a deal."
"Don't be jealous," I said while punching his shoulder, "I can't wait! I've got something awesome planned."
Turning around, I rubbed my hands together while smiling evilly to myself. This was going to be good. A tap on my shoulder released me from my daze and a turned around and laughed nervously. "Uhm, what are you talking about Brooklyn?"
"Oh nothing."
As we shook hands, the bell rang and we grabbed our bags and exited the classroom. As I stepped out of the classroom, I got the feeling that someone was watching me. Turning around, I glanced around behind my back until I saw a pair of deep blue eyes staring at me. Remy was standing opposite me with his blonde eyebrows furrowed. His eyes were squinted and he was frowning me. Noticing that I had spotted him staring, his eyes widened and he turned his head away from me.
Strange. What was up with him today?
Gathering my material, I tossed my bag over my shoulder and headed towards the cafeteria. Placing a tray on the bars, I slid it across while selecting a peanut butter sandwich and orange juice. While I was reaching out for a chocolate muffin, I let my eyes wander around the cafeteria.
Where are they? I haven't seen them all day. Picking up my tray, I looked around for any sign of Cy-Cy or Shawn. After a quick glance throughout the cafeteria, I could tell that they weren't here. With my tray, I trudged off to a table, alone, avoiding people’s glances.
When I sat down at the table, I once again felt as if someone or something was watching me. Swivelling my head around, I scanned the cafeteria until my eyes landed on Remy. He sat, staring at me with a bunch of jocks and cheerleader chicks at his table. He frowned deeply at me then turned around and smiled when the cheerleader next to him tapped his shoulder.
Annoyed, I bit viciously into my sandwich and began chewing violently. If he didn't want to talk to me, that was fine with me. I don't need him. I could get along fine without him.
But as I sat there alone sucking my juice box dry, a voice deep inside my head kept telling me otherwise.
"Where have you two been all day?"
Cy-Cy and Shawn smiled sheepishly at me while I lectured them. Those two dumbbells had decided to show up to school in the last 10 minutes of the last class.
"Oh you know, busy."
"With what?" I tapped my foot impatiently while I waited for any lame excuse they would throw at me.
Shawn stepped up to me and slung his arm around my shoulders, "Jeez shortie, I know you love me and all, but if you keep up this clingy attitude, I might have to break up with you."
I lost the urge to swat off his arm when I noticed that his voice didn't have the usual playfulness in it. In fact, he sounded, tired. Something was up. "Seriously, where were you guys?"
Cy-Cy lifted up her arm to scratch the back of her head in thought. Near her shoulder, I could make out a black and purple splotch. Shrugging off Shawn's arm, I grabbed her wrist and inspected the wound. "Where did you get this bruise from?"
As I asked the question, I noticed the tension in the air building up. The looks that Shawn and Cy-Cy gave each other didn't blow past me either. "It's nothing," Cy-Cy's stuttering told me immediately she was lying, "I was just jumping on my bed and landed on my arm."
Fighting back a scoff at her capability to lie, I stared at the two siblings suspiciously. When neither of them made an attempt to tell me the truth, I sighed heavily and elbowed my way past them. Something was definitely going on and I swear I'll get to the bottom of it.
Without a backward glance, I headed home; angered with the cold shoulders and secrets my so called friends had been firing at me.
"Hey Brooklyn."
Opening my door, I met the warm eyes of Eric. "Hey Eric."
"So, you ready to cheer?"
Pulling out a heavy sack from behind me, I heaved it on to my shoulder and grunted, "Almost, just need to do some last minute preparations."
Edging the door open a little bit wider, I motioned for him to come in. Once I had him seated on the couch and watching TV, I dropped the sac on the ground, and then scurried upstairs to change.
Pulling on a baggy shirt, I rolled up the sleeves. When I had guaranteed that the sleeves wouldn't roll down, I threw on a pair of comfortable black sweats. Taking an edge of the baggy shirt, I tucked a corner into my sweats. Scanning around my closet, I found a thin strip of material and my makeup. Tying my hair into a quick ponytail, leaving my bangs out, I wrapped the strip around my head as a makeshift headband. Opening a tube of black makeup, I dipped my thumbs into it, and then rubbed two thick lines on to each cheek.
Glancing at my reflection, I smiled and scurried down the stairs. Eric was still seated in front of the TV, watching a NBA game. I called out his name, but he was too immersed in the game to notice. I couldn't blame him; it was Miami versus Los Angeles, who wouldn't want to miss it? Stepping in front of the TV, I flexed my awesome biceps and grinned up at him. "I'm ready."
Standing up, he whistled and stared at me in disbelief, "Wow, you really went all out."
Grabbing the sac, I patted it and grinned at him, "I still got a few tricks up my sleeve." When he stared at me confused, I simply shook my head, "All in due time, young grasshopper, all in due time."
Walking out the door, I flung the sac into the trunk of the car then got in.
"Any chance you're going to tell me what's in the bag?"
Flashing him a mischievous smile, I whispered, "You'll see soon enough."
When we had gotten to the parking lot, we went our separate ways. Carrying the sac with me, I made my way to the gym and found a seat right in front of the player's bench. We had arrived 30 minutes early which gave me plenty of time to go over my plan. Opening the sac, I rubbed my hands together cryptically and chuckled evilly to myself.
"You sure you don't want to tell me what's in the sac?"
Snapping out of my evil daze, I smiled down sweetly at Eric who was decked out in his basketball uniform. I swear the uniform was an exact replica of the Phoenix Suns jersey, except for the fact that it was black and orange instead of purple and white. Imagine if someone from the Phoenix Suns popped in here. I hope the school has a lawyer and knows how to manage lawsuits.
Forgetting the jersey, I stared at the guy beneath it. I got to say, not only does Eric look good, but he has the body to match. I could clearly see the muscles in his arms and I'm pretty sure that if I peeked underneath, there would be a six pack just waiting to be exposed.
Realizing that I had been staring at Eric for the past 10 minutes, I looked away embarrassed. Hearing him chuckle, I turned back to face him, glaring daggers at him.
"So the 'awesome' Brooklyn can get embarrassed huh?"
"I'm not embarrassed," I grumbled, annoyed.
"Uh huh." He climbed up on to the player's bench and leaned across inches away from my face. "Don't worry Brooklyn, it was cute."
Leaning back, he winked and laughed while I turned my head once again trying to hide a blush.
"Hey Eric, coach wants us in for a team mee..."
Recognizing the voice, I turned my head to see Remy staring at me. His eyes narrowed slightly then shifted from me to Eric.
Oblivious to the tension, Eric jumped off of the bench and waved at me before heading to the locker rooms. I sat there looking straight ahead of me, ignoring Remy's presence. From the corner of my eye, I could faintly see him open his mouth to talk.
"So you came to watch?"
I kept my eyes straight ahead, "Yea."
"I see. Are you going to the party after the game?"
So that's how it is? He glares and ignores me all day then expects me to talk back to him when he finally decides to notice me? Uh-Uh that's not how this girl rolls monkey boy.
"Look I'm kind of busy right now. Don't you have a meeting to get to or like a tree to be swinging in?"
Moving my gaze down, I locked eyes with Remy and stared at him blankly. He ran a hand through his hair and looked at me for a few seconds before turning around and walking away.
Looking back at my sac, I rummaged through the stuff in it then closed the sac when people began entering the gym. Just as the players from both teams entered the court, I heard someone yell my name from across the gym causing me to perk up in my seat. Scanning around the bleachers, I looked for the source of the voice. Opposite me, I caught sight of Cy-Cy and waved her over. Smiling, she climbed over people in the bleachers and made it to the seat next to me.
"Hey Bro—what are you wearing?"
"Hey Cy-Cy. I'm just wearing some cheering gear. Got all I need in here," I said while patting my sac, "What are you doing here? I didn't know you were much of a basketball fan."
She snorted and waved off my comment, "I'm not. I'm only here because of my brother." She pointed across the gym at a familiar blond standing at the top of the three point line. As if he felt us staring, Shawn turned around and looked at us. Recognizing who we were, he waved at his sister then winked at me before going back to his warm up.
"So why are you here?" I turned towards Cy-Cy and gave her a puzzled look. "Don't look at me like that. You haven't come to any of the other games. What made you come to this one?"
"Oh, Eric invited me."
"Eric, Eric Thompson?" Her mouth gaped open when I nodded at her. "He's like the one of the best and hottest guys on the team! How did you get him to ask you out?"
I shrugged, "He didn't ask me out. We're just friends and we've talked a few times."
She arched her eyebrow up to her eyebrow, "Just talked? C'mon there has to be more than that. Tell me, tell me, tell me!"
I laughed loudly drawing attention to myself, glad to see that she was back to normal. Rubbing the tears from my eyes, I dismissed Cy-Cy's weird look and told her about everything that happened with Eric. Once I finished, the game had started and I quickly focused in on it, ignoring Cy-Cy's protests to tell me more.
The whole game, I was cheering like a maniac and insulting our team whenever they made a mistake. Cy-Cy tried to remain as unknown as possible, but once I got her going, she was cheering almost as crazy as me.
There were five seconds left in the game and our team was down 89-87. We needed a serious clutch play to win this. As the two teams stepped on the court after a time out, the bleachers were quiet. Not a sound could be heard as the players inbounded the ball. Shawn was throwing in the ball and was looking around frantically, waiting for someone to get open. Out of nowhere, Remy cut to the top of the three point line and called for the ball. Suddenly, the crowd began to cheer. Shawn made a perfect pass while Remy pulled up for a perfect shot. Well, it was almost perfect.
I was literally out of my seat, biting my nails as the ball soared through the air. It plunked down on the rim and began to roll. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Then it fell out. The whole crowd fell silent until Eric came hovering through the air and slammed the ball through the net. The buzzer rang as Eric fell to the ground along with the crowds hopes. As he was pushed to the ground, I jumped up and down and screamed out foul. Everyone turned towards me and I stared straight at the refs and called out, "Foul. He was obviously pushed down! He deserves one shot!"

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