Chapter Eight: Deja Vu

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Chapter 8: Déjà vu?


Brooklyn's POV

"That stupid butt licking, monkey! What does he think he's talking about anyway? He's stupid and annoying, it pisses me off! He's so fudging stupid, sometimes I just wanna--..."

Pausing in the middle of my rant, I glanced up to see Drake, holding in a laugh.

"What? What's so funny?"

He poked my nose and chuckled, "If I didn't know any better, I would think you liked him." His face darkened when he noticed me, deep in thought. "You don't like that jerk. Do you?"

Quickly recovering from my near slip up, I flushed and stuttered," Nope, I mean how could I like that monkey?"

Drake carefully examined my face, then smiled and ruffled my hair, satisfied. Grunting, I slapped his arm away and glared at him. "I hate it when you do that."

He chuckled, "I know. That's why I do it, genius."

Glaring up at him harder, I whispered, "I hate you. Just wanted you to know that."

Drake's shoulders shook, showing to me that he was trying to conceal his laughter once again, while he pulled me closer to him. "Aw Banks. You know you love me."

I snorted, "What type of fudge brain told you that?"

He chuckled again, "You, scatterbrain."

"Hmm, funny. I don't remember ever saying that."

"Whoever said anything about you SAYING it?"

I scoffed, "Whatever."

He mock pouted at me, sticking out his bottom lip," Aw Banks, don't be that way. Just because I was right and you were completely and utterly wrong doesn't mean you gotta be so mad."

Folding my arms together over my chest, I muttered minor profanities aimed at Drake, and turned away from him. A grumble erupted from deep within my throat as I felt his hand messing my hair up again. He gave out a short laugh. "Sorry Banks. I'll make it up to you. How cream after school?"

The glare I had been shooting him slowly evaporated as I got sucked up into his bribe. "Fine, but only if it's cookies 'n' crème."

He wrapped his arm gently around my shoulders and led me to our next class. "Whatever you want Banks."


***After School***

Brooklyn's POV

"Yay! Cookies 'n' crème ice cream, here I come! Drake! Hurry up!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Keep your shirt on!"

Skipping down the sidewalk, I spun around and pretended to be an airplane. Spreading my arms out wider, I advanced towards Drake and flew around him. "I scream! You scream! We all scream for ice cream!"

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