Chapter Eleven: Nerd's Got Skill

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Chapter Eleven: Nerd’s Got Skill


Brooklyn’s POV

By the time we had reached the second store in the mall, my feet were aching. I wasn’t really much of a shopper. In all honesty, all shopping got you were blisters the size of golf balls on your feet. It was a total waste of energy and time; well that’s how I see it anyway.

We walked out of the shop with empty hands and I trudged over to a bench and collapsed on it. Remy came up in front of me and surveyed the area. “Where to next?”

“Next?” Grumbling, I slumped deeper into the bench, worn out. God, this was a serious workout.

Remy smirked down at me, “What? Not a shopper?”

“That’s one way to put it.”

“Fine, we can take a break. Wanna head down to the food court?”

I groaned loudly, “More walking?”

He nodded, “Yup,” he said popping his p.

“I swear this should be a national sport or something. You could die from this.”

He chuckled and pulled me up, “C’mon lets go.”

I stood up and my legs wobbled underneath me. He held my arm to keep me steady and we made our way through the crowd.

When we arrived at the food court, we claimed our seats and headed towards A&W. I ordered a Mama Burger with a root beer float while Remy ordered an Uncle Burger with a coke. Picking up our trays, we headed back to our seat to find it had been stolen by two teenagers.

I stood in front of them for a few moments until they noticed that I was there.

The blond haired guy flipped his long hair then smirked up at me, “You need anything babe?”

“Yea, you're in my seat,” I answered back politely.

“What about it?” he said while turning back to his food.

“Well it’s our table so can you please move?” This guy sure knew how to test my patience.

“Funny, I don’t see your name on it.”

Rolling my eyes, I snapped back, “As if you could tell anyway. It’s not as if you know my name or anything.”

Remy came up behind me and crossed his arms over his chest. “Dude, this is our table. Can you and your buddy leave?”

“Hey, this table was empty when we showed up. Finders Keepers.”

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