Chapter Twenty-Three Part 1: The Amusement Park

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Sorry this took so long guys. I've been booked for the past weeks and I had to go shopping for school which sucked because I had to use my own money. I have to be an "independent individual" according to my mom. Im officially hating Staples cuz they ripped me off on everything I bought so I wasn't in the best of moods. And school started on Tuesday so the updates might be a little bit slow until I get used to it.

P.S. Some of you might hate me just a smidge after this chapter....just a smidge...>.>


Dedicated to the FAB-O-LOUS star21 for this awesome trailer she made me which is over there ----->


Chapter Twenty-three part one: Amusement Park


"Oh bloody hell!" I cried before tearing my door open.

I couldn't take it anymore. There was no way I was going to let these chumps beat me to the amusement park. I did NOT wake up at four freaking' o' clock in the morning to end up behind some kid in line.

Literally jumping out of the car, I raced over to the entrance of the park and claimed my spot in the invisible line. Hopping from foot to foot, I waited for a worker to come open the gates.

Suddenly, I felt a soft tap on my shoulder. Instinctively, I turned around and karate chopped the figure who had attempted to frighten me with my eyes squeezed shut.

Not a smart move by me.

"What the hell Brooklyn?!"

Wincing, I reluctantly opened my eyes to meet Cy-Cy's smoldering gaze as she caressed her shoulder.


"What the hell was that for?!"

"Uhm...oops?" I spoke in a questioning tone.

She quirked an eyebrow up at me obviously not impressed.

"Is that all you can say for yourself?" she asked while staring me down with her blue orbs. I got to say it was very intimidating.

"Oopsy daisy?" I uttered out while chuckling nervously.

Sighing heavily, she glared at me one last time before the look in her eyes softened.

"You're just lucky this is your first time at an amusement park or you'd be dead by now."

Grinning widely in relief, I jumped on her and wrapped her in a death grip.

"You know you love me," I teased.

"Yea yea, whatever," she muttered back while returning my embrace.

From over my shoulder, I spotted Shawn staring at us with a look of disgust on his face. Frowning, I shot him a questioning look.

"Ugh PDA. Looks like I showed up at the wrong time."

Releasing each other from the embrace, Cy-Cy and I rolled our eyes simultaneously before launching ourselves at Shawn.

Although he tried to act disgusted, I could feel his stomach rumble in amusement.

"I know you guys want to get it on, but really. This is too much."

Immediately, Cy-Cy withdrew herself from the hug and curled her lips up in horror.

"That's disgusting you filthy pig! I'm your sister!"

He waved her off nonchalantly and smirked, "Yeah, and I'm gorgeous. So what?"

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