Chapter Twenty-One: Over It?

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Nerd Gone Bad

Sorry this took so long guys!!! I just have a few things to say before u get on with this.

1. I'm not really liking my characters for Brooklyn or Shawn so if anyone has any suggestions of people with remotely the same features please let me know.

2. It would be awesome if someone wouldn't mind making me a trailer for this story. I really really want one.

Well that's enough talking. On with the chapter.

Dedicated to: rebelnumber1 cuz ur so awesome like that!!!!

Chapter Twenty-one: Over it?

"What the hell!?"

I flinched slightly at Cy-Cy's fierce tone. I don't think I've ever seen her this angry before. In all honesty, who could blame her?


Straight after school had finished, Cy-Cy had charged at me like a rampaging bull and literally dragged me back to her house. I had immediately noticed the difference between her house now and how it had been before "that night".

Dragging me to her room, she sat me down on her bed - forcefully I might add - and had stared me down with her blue eyes. Mere seconds later, I had confessed everything that had happened at the hospital.

"What the hell!?"

Avoiding her gaze, I glanced across the room. My eyes fell upon a huge Chris Brown poster suspended on her wall.

"Oh you're a CB fan too?" I chirped while laughing nervously.

I could literally feel the heat radiating out of her eyes boring into my head. "Screw that Brooklyn. Don't you dare change the subject on me!"

The weak smile lingering on my lips immediately disappeared at her sharp tone.

"You've got to be kidding me Brooklyn! Please tell me this is all some sick joke!"

"It's not," I croaked as my throat suddenly went dry, "all of it is true."

Cy-Cy flew up from her chair at her desk and began to pace back and forth across the room. My eyes followed her warily, watching her reactions to what I had just told her.

"That's disgusting," she spat out, "What kind of parents would do something like that?"

Apparently mine, I responded mentally.

Remaining silent, my eyes followed her figure back down to a chair. She tousled her golden hair before looking me dead in the eyes.

"We need to tell someone about this Brooklyn."

My eyes widened as she stood up once again from her position on her chair and began to cross the room towards the door. Desperately, I lunged forwards and clutched onto her hand for dear life. Her head swiveled rapidly to face mine.

"Please," I begged, "don't tell anyone."

"But Brooklyn this isn't right? Those aren't parents! They're basically holding you hostage!"

"Really Cy, it's not that big of a deal. Besides they're barely ever home to do anything."

I pasted on a fake smile to make my argument seem more convincing.

After a while of staring and glaring at each other, she let out a deep sigh and turned away from me. At the same time I let out my own sigh of relief as I realized this argument was over.

"Fine, but if anything turns up I want - no I expect to be the first person to know. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am!" I mock saluted her in attempt go lighten the mood. It seemed to work because before I knew it we were giggling like two preschoolers.

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