Chapter 1

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Gabriel, archangel of the lord, wakes up, head pounding. "Dammit." He curses, he's in bed with someone. He needs to remember what the hell happened last night.

Gabe rolls over and curses under his breath. Laying there, naked, is a very cozy Dean Winchester. "Fuck me-" Gabriel mutters, tapping Dean on the shoulder.

Dean groans and opens his eyes. "Oh what the hell!?" He asks, facepalming.

"I know." Gabe says simply. He has the tendency to get drunk and sleep with someone random, but sleeping with Dean Winchester- a huge mistake.

"Okay- this never happened." Dean says, gesturing between the two.

"Never- nope." Gabe confirms, still laying there. The two lay there in awkward silence before Dean starts to laugh. "What?" Gabe asks confused.

"You've got hickeys all up your neck." Dean laughs, soon wincing. His head is pounding.

"Oh well." Gabe laughs it off. Maybe he can use them to make a certain someone jealous.

"You can heal them, right?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, I could. I'm not gonna though." Gabe says simply gaining a 'what the fuck' look from Dean.

"What?! Why?"

"What if I wanna show them off?" Gabe asks, rhetorically.

"Fuck- dude. You don't like me, do you?" Dean asks, hoping the answer is no.

"What?! No! Just because I slept with you doesn't mean I'm in love with you or something." Gabe says.

"So then why do you want to show off the hickies?" Dean asks. Gabe shrugs. "You wanna make someone jealous, don't you?" Dean says, figuring it out.

"Yeah, so what?" Gabe asks.

"C'mere, let me give you a darker one to help you out." Dean says. Gabe looks at him questioningly. "What?" Dean asks.

"We just agreed that this didn't happen and now you wanna give me a hickey?" Gabe questions.

"Yeah. It's to make someone jealous, right?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Gabe confirms.

"So, why should it mean anything?" Dean asks. Gabe thinks about this. If he got a super dark hickey, he could easily make Sam jealous. Yes, Sam. Dean's brother. His close friend. Finally, Gabe nods and scoots over to Dean.

Dean awkwardly grabs ahold of the side of Gabe's neck and leans is experimentally, kissing his skin softly. Gabe sighs, even if it is Dean doing this to him, it's being done. Dean chuckles as he kisses him with more passion making Gabe's hands go to the back of Dean's head, pulling him in harder.

"Use your teeth- more marks." Gabe suggests and immediately, he feels Dean nibbling at his skin making him moan slightly. Dean smirks into Gabe's skin and he keeps it up, nibbling and sucking at Gabriel's neck.

Somehow, the boys get lost in the moment, forgetting the purpose of it all. Gabe climbs into Dean's lap, Dean still sucking at his skin. As Dean was about to move spots, the door opens.

"Dean, I got- what the fuck!" Sam says, walking into the bedroom to see Gabe sitting in Dean's lap and Dean creating hickies onto the angel's skin.

Gabe pulls back, hearing the other hunter's voice and immediately regretting what just happened. "Sam- let me explain." Gabe says, getting off of Dean and covering up himself with the bedspread.

Sam is just standing there, in shock looking at the two. Dean is sitting, head down, ashamed at what he and the angel just did, and Gabe is terrified. He is just sitting there, stuttering, trying to reason with himself about why he did that.

"Sam-" Gabe says again, trying to get Sam to say anything.

Before he knows it, Sam is running out of the bedroom, grabbing a beer or five, and heading up to the roof of the bunker. Why the hell would Gabe sleep with Dean? Gabe is one of his best friends and he just betrayed him.

Sam downs three of the five beers and smashes the bottles, pissed off. Just after he smashed the final one, Gabe walks up there. "Sammy-" he says.

"You don't get to call me that." Sam mutters, still pissed.

"Please Sammy- Sam, you have to understand." Gabe says, walking closer to Sam.

"Understand what Gabe?! The fact that you slept with my brother? Or the fact that you absolutely betrayed my trust? Because either way, I DON'T FUCKING UNDERSTAND" Sam yells, throwing another full beer bottle.

"Sam- please stop." Gabe pleas, on the verge of tears.

"NO- I WON'T STOP. You fucked my brother Gabe! We're supposed to be best friends!" Sam yells, his hands going up to his head. He pulls his hair roughly as a coping mechanism.

"Don't pull." Gabe mutters as a habit.

"Shut the fuck up Gabriel." Sam says, pushing past the smaller boy and leaving the bunker.

Gabe stands there, silently crying for hours. He lets himself shrink down into fetal position, shaking with tears. Only if he hadn't let Dean do that to him. He isn't blaming Dean though, he was just trying to help.

Suddenly, Gabe hears a flap of wings, along with the door to the roof opening. "Hello brother." Cas says, standing in front of Gabe.

"C-Cassie- he hates me-" Gabe cries.

"What happened Gabriel?" Cas asks, apparently he hasn't spoken to Dean yet.

"M-me and D-Dean got drunk and... and we sl-slept together. Sa-m saw us doing things a-and he go-got pissed and he- he hates me!" Gabriel cries, hyperventilating. He likes Sam as more than a best friend and Cas is the only one who knows this.

"Gabriel- dammit." Cas mutters. "Why him? Why couldn't you just fuck anyone else?" Cas asks, sitting down next to Gabe. "It'll be fine though, you'll get through it and Sam will forgive you. You two are best friends anyways, right?" Cas asks, placing a hand on his brother's back.

"He- he hates me Cas." Gabe cries. He opens his eyes for the first time in hours, it's dark out now and it looks like it's going to rain.

"Explain to him you were drunk, he knows you sleep around when you're drunk. He'll understand." Cas reasons.

"Yeah he would, but then Dean was- I let him- he was kissing my neck and I was in his lap- wh-when Sam walked in." Gabe stutters. How stupid is he?

"Wait- you two- you weren't drunk?!" Cas asks, surprised. Surely Gabe doesn't like Dean.

"We were when it happened, but when Sam saw, no." Gabe cries into his brother's shoulder.

"Shh- Gabe it's okay. Come on let's go inside." Cas says as it starts to rain.

When the two got in, Dean was sitting at the table doing research. He didn't look up from his laptop as they passed by and went to Gabe's room. "Try to get some sleep, brother. I'll try to find Sam and I'll talk to Dean." Cas says, letting the covers up so Gabe can get into the bed.

"Thanks Cassie." Gabe says, still crying slightly.

Cas nods as he leaves the room. What have they gotten themselves into?

I'm So Sorry, Forgive Me?// sabriel/destielWhere stories live. Discover now